XVII: Suga and Soju

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Makseun P.o.V

Yoongi and I spent the next few hours brainstorming ideas for Out and ended up with a complete draft of the song. We managed to get a rough recording of the vocals too and I was pleasantly surprised by how my voice worked with the pitch. Normally I sing quite a high pitched tone, but for this Yoongi insisted I used much lower vocals, making my voice gruff and gravelly. I'll have to use this more, it'll surprise AURA nicely.

"Right, okay I really like this." Yoongi said proudly, looking over at me with a cute smile. "I just really hope they don't get us to do a dance MV for this..."

I smirk. "They won't... But I will." Yoongi groans and flops his head on the bed, complaining loudly about dancing and sleep and a lack of energy. "Aish, shut up you cry baby." I hit him over the head to shut him up.

"Oi! What was that for?!" He rubbed the back of his head, pouting at me as he sat up. "That hurt!"

I pull a mockingly sympathetic face. "Awh, poor diddums. You want me to kiss it better?" Shit, why did I say that? Oh fuck fuck fuck!! My face flushes and I look away, seeing him smirk in the corner of my eye.

"Sure." He said quietly, still rubbing his head. It was then that I noticed the light flush on his face and the half empty bottle of Soju on his desk. I forgot he drinks when he's writing lyrics. He bows his head down and points to his head, eyes covered by his lilac hair. "Here."

My face flushes and I look back at him, hesitating. Over the past two weeks, my feelings towards him had strengthened and being with him again made me feel nervous and awkward.

He looked up at me through his lashes. "Please." He pouted playfully.

I sigh and put my hands on his head, pushing it down and kissing the nape of his neck. "Silly gay shit." I joke, making him jab me in the stomach. I flinch away from him and shuffle to the other end of the bed. Memories of the last time I was with him flashed into my mind. "Just fuck off!" I grimace and look up at him. "Hyung... About the other week..." He looked up at me, slightly confused. "I didn't mean to lash out, I just... I don't really talk about that with people. I got frustrated and angry and took it out on you... I'm sorry..."

He smiled up at me comfortingly. "It's okay, forget about it." He said, an understanding look in his eye. Either that or the tipsy was showing. "I had my moment with the storm, you had yours. But... Can I ask you something..?" I nod reluctantly, knowing it was going to be about my 'dad'. "How long has he been beating you?"

"Pretty much my whole life." I reply with a shrug, turning my eyes to the bedsheets.

"And... What," he sighed. "What was it that gave you those scars?" He asked quietly, eyes not moving from my face. "You don't have to answer it, I'm just curious."

My throat goes tight and my jaw clenches. I shake my head, signalling I wasn't ready to say. "Maybe another time." I mutter, struggling to keep my voice steady. He nodded, leaning back against the head board of his bed.

"So," he said, changing the topic of conversation. "What've you been doing these past few weeks?"

I smile. "Ah, my stylists wanted to sort some clothes for the Ghost photo shoots."

"Photo shoots? How many are you having?"

"Five. G concept, H concept, O concept, S concept and T concept. O concept hasn't been sorted yet, I want O to be Out." I smile, pointing to him. "You can help me with the photos. I told noona my idea and she says its really cool. I need a female model and a male model, you can be the male one if you want." I say, meaning it to be a bit flirty but not quite as flirty as it actually came out.

His eyebrow rose and he leant towards me slightly. "Oh, is that so? What would said 'model' have to do?" He did air quotes and when he put his hands down he put one on my knee.

My face flushed. "U-Uh, I don't know yet. Noona is sorting that out." His hand was, as always, cold and rough and he shuffled closer.

"What would you like the 'model' to do?" He asked, suggestive tone in his voice. Oh shit, don't do this to me. Heat began to spread through my body and my heart started pounding.

"H-How much have you had to drink?" I say, leaning away from him slightly. He's drunk, that's what it is.

"Not much, only enough to get my creative juices flowing." He said with a shrug, not moving his hand from my knee. "But that much also gets something else going, if you know what I mean." He winked and made my heart flutter as his hand moved up a few inches to my thigh.

What does he mean? "Hyung, soju is really strong though."

"Yeah, but I know what I can handle. I'm 24 years old, I've drank before." He said grumpily, moving his hand from my thigh. No, don't.

I look away, flopping my arms over my lap to cover anything that might show. "I-I know that..."

He chuckled and stood up, stretching and picking up the bottle and a small glass. "Want some?" He asked, pouring some into the glass and holding it out to me. "Come on, its good." He said, moving it around in a circle and making the clear, strong smelling alcohol swirl around the sides.

I bit my lip hesitantly, and reach to take it from him. I'm going to have to drink at some point. I hold the glass close to my face, breathing in it's strong scent warily. I close my eyes as I bring it to my lips, tipping the cup back and letting the alcohol fall into my mouth. I swallow it quickly, instantly feeling it burn at the back of my throat. I cough, putting my empty hand to my mouth as my eyes began to water. It's so sour! My tongue and throat stung, but my stomach felt warm. "Holy crap!" I cough, face contorting from the strong taste.

Yoongi was laughing as he took the glass from me and put it next to the bottle. "That was priceless!" He whimpered, wiping his eyes. "It's good though, right?" He said, looking down at me.

I nod vigorously. It's a strange sensation, sweet but sour, acidic but warm. The back of my throat feels like it does when I'm sick and my tongue was on fire. My stomach felt warm and a strange tingly sensation erupted from my core. "Yeah, I like it." I say, clearing my throat.

He smiled again and sat next to me, leaning back lazily. "I'll get you some for your birthday. But until then, you're bot having any more of mine. It's mine." He jokes, ruffling my hair.

I bite my lip. I want some more. Like, really, really want some more. "Um... Hyung-ah..?" He hummed in response, leaning forwards to see my face. "Please can I have some more, hyung-ah?"

His grin grew and he shook his head, reaching for the bottle and the glass. "Fine. But that's it, I don't want to be held responsible for you getting drunk." He poured me another glass, filling it half way rather than a ting bit at the bottom of the glass.

I took it gratefully, downing it hastily. I coughed again, having the same reaction to before. I hand back the glass and see him staring at the bottle, horrified expression on his face. "What?" I ask warily, trying to see the bottle.

He pulls it away and puts the glass and bottle on the table, standing up and walking to the door. "Come on, let's go to the studio." He said, opening the door and heading out.

I stand and go to the bottle, reading the contents of the drink. 34% alcoholic content. What does that mean? Is it a lot? I shrug and put it down, heading the way Yoongi had headed.

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