XX: Run

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Makseun P.o.V

-A- Makseun, don't forget the gym today. You need to get used to going there if you want to get back in shape x

-MS- Yeah, I know. Turns out Jungkook goes there too so I'm waiting for him and then we're going x

-A- It'll be better if you know someone, remember we've got the concept shoots later this week x

---- Have you found someone for the male model in O? X

-MS- Yeah, Yoongi said he'd help me x

----- If you don't mind noona x

-A- No, of course not. You have control over that aspect of things. If he's willing to help then that's cool x

"Right, you ready Makseun-ie?" Jungkook asked, skipping from his room as he struggled to force his foot into his already laced trainers. He wore a black tank top that showed off his muscled arms and grey joggers that hung loosely from his form.

"It'd be a million times easier if you unlaced them." I point out with a chuckle, getting a shrug in response. "Yeah, lemme get my trainers on." I say with a shake of my head.

I grab my trainers from my room and put them on, quickly lacing them up and head back to the living room. Kookie was in the kitchen getting some water and Taehyung was watching me from his room. He gestured with his head for me to come over, and I reluctantly walk to him.

"About yesterday..." He said softly as of to not be overheard. "I didn't mean to get aggressive with you, I just don't want to loose him." He looked at the floor sheepishly. "I'm sorry if I upset you or scared you..."

"It's okay, don't worry about it." I say awkwardly, looking out into the living room. "You know... Kookie and I are going to the gym, you could come along?"

He laughs, shaking his head. "Me? Go to the gym? No way!" He jokes, pushing off from the door frame. "Anyway, have fun." With that, he closed the door, so I went back into the living room as Jungkook left the kitchen.

"You ready?" He leads the way to the door and we start the walk to the gym, laughing and joking as we went. I get on well with Jungkook, us both being fitness freaks and complete game nerds really adds to our bond.

My god does it feel good to go to a gym, but holy fucking hell do I ache now.

"Wanna stop and get some sushi on the way back?" Jungkook suggests as we pack our stuff away. "I know a place that does amazing maki-zushi. Like, honestly the fucking best."

I chuckle and shrug. "I didn't bring any money so we'd have to stop by the studios."

He nodded. "Yeah, that's cool. I need to get my money anyways. We could see if the others want to come too?"

I frown. "But I look like shit." I laugh, pushing open the door for Kookie and following after, bowing in thanks to the receptionist. "I'm all sweaty and horrible." I say with a grimace, pulling my tshirt away from my chest in mock disgust.

He laughs and waits for me to catch up. "Good point, you do look like shit."

"Oi!" I punch him playfully, shaking my head with a pout.

"I'm just kidding, I look like crap too. We can go and get some money and then head to the sushi bar." He says excitedly.

We chatter as we walk back, complaining about how sweaty we were and talking about our favourite video games.

"Makseun-oppa!" I hear a high pitched scream and turn around, confused. I see a young looking girl rush over to me from her parents, huge smile on my face. "Makseun-oppa!" She wrapped her arms around me before I could warn her and she hugs me tightly.

"Woah, hey calm down!" I say with a laugh, hugging her back.

"I didn't think you were still in Seoul! I didn't think I'd ever meet you!" She cried excitedly, pulling away and getting her phone from her pocket. "Can I have a picture with you? Please?"

I laugh reluctantly. "I don't know, I've just been to the gym I bet I look awful!" I joke, running a hand through my hair.

Her eyes go wide. "Oh my god, your hair! It's so cool, when did you do that?!"

I wince. Fuck. "Ah! Pretend you saw nothing!" I cover my head with my hands. "I'll take a picture, but you can't show anyone until the concept photos are released, promise?" I raise an eyebrow, holding out my pinky finger for her to link with hers.

"Promise!" She nodded eagerly, linking her finger with mine. I took the phone and posed for a picture, taking a few with silly faces and one smiling normally. "Thank you so much, oppa!" She looked through the photos and I noticed her phone case. Legend of Zelda case.

"Hey, I love your phone case!" I exclaim, tilting my head so I could see it better. "From Twilight Princess, right?"

Her eyes widen and she smiles brighter. "Yes! I love it so much!"

"I know, its great!" Jungkook involves himself in the conversation and the three of us nerd over LoZ for a few minutes before her mother calls her. We say goodbye and I give her one last hug before we part ways.

Instantly my smile drops and I groan outwardly. "Ohhhh for fucks sake..." I grumble, running a hand through my hair.

"What? Do you not like seeing AURA around Seoul?"

"No, I do! I love it, but she's seen my hair. She's probably going to post it on her twitter or something and everyone will find out before the concept photos are even shot." I grumble, sighing deeply. "Noona isn't going to be happy..."

He puts his arm around my shoulders, looking back over his shoulder and waiting a few moments before turning back around. "It'll be fine. We can't help that she saw us, don't worry about it." I chuckle, shaking my head and look at the path ahead, trying to ignore how much taller than me he was. "Ah, Makseun-ie! You're short!" He teased, making me push him away and curse him. He grabs my wrists to try and stop the bombardment of jabs and playful punches I was throwing his way. We wrestled for a few minutes, laughing and joking, chasing one another up and down the street and getting some dirty looks from the pedestrians.

Kookie is a good runner, so I was chasing him for a while. We ran to a park and along the canal, only stopping when we got beneath a bridge to catch our breath. He leant against the wall, hands on his knees to regain his breath. I linked my hands behind my head, forcing myself to breathe slowly and deeply. He looked up at me and tried to copy me, realising I was regaining my breath quicker.

"Ahh... Well, that's one way to get you to run." He jokes, earning a punch. "Aish! You hit hard, Seunie!"

"You're weak, Kookie." I reply jokingly, getting a punch from him. "Ow!" He laughs triumphantly, making me push him, a lot harder than I intended to. He stumbled back a little and grabbed my arm to stabilise himself, only stopping when he hit his back on the wall. His fall made me fall too, stumbling so my face was inches from his and my body pressed on his. My hands were extended and either side of his shoulders. I flush and quickly move away, brushing myself down awkwardly. I see him smirking at me in the corner of my eye. "Aish, you didn't need to drag me over with you." I grumble.

"You didn't need to push me so hard." He replies, brushing off his back. "Hey, what time is it?"

I pull out my phone. "Ah, it is... 7:30 Jesus! We need to get back if we want to get the sushi, right?"

He nods and we start walking back. "Last one back pays!!" He sprinted away from me.

"Wait, what?!" I started running too, not quite matching his speed but I pace myself far better than he does, won't be long before he slows down. Oh boy, I'm going to be shattered in the morning.

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