XII: Separation, Coming Out and A Studio

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This chapter talks about room arrangements linking Jellyfish Entertainment and BigHit Entertainment Idols together, I know this more than likely is not what happens, but it is simply to help the plot of the story.

Yoongi P.o.V

We spent the rest of the meal teasing Makseun about the finger-guns and how he was still a child. I also ended up regretting the offer to pay again, as the bill ended up quite high. Taehyung and Jungkook bonded quickly with Makseun and were soon to let him just call them hyung rather than be super formal all the time.

"Ah, Yoongi, Jin-hyung said you need to come back to the hotel. Hitman Bang texted him this morning and said the house is going to be ready later this afternoon so we need to pack our stuff." Taehyung said as he finished the last sips of his mint smoothie.

I sigh and nod, putting my hand in front of my mouth as I chewed on my last bit of waffle and spoke. "Alright. I'll come back with you two, if you don't mind." I say turning to Makseun.

He froze holding his smoothie to his mouth, lips parted as if he were about to put them around the straw. "Huh? I-I wasn't paying attention, I was preoccupied." He mutters shyly, putting the drink down in embarrassment.

We all start laughing, I don't know the reason behind Kookie and Tae laughing, but he just looked so cute. His cheeks were flushed and his smile was timid, his eyes were downturned and his hands were clasped in front if him, making his broad shoulders stick up a bit like a shy childs would.

"I said," I managed to say between giggles. "If its okay with you, I'll go home with them because mama Jin is demanding I get home before curfew." I joke, earning a laugh and a snort from Jungkook and Taehyung.

Makseun smiles up at me and nods. "Yeah, that's okay." He said, obviously trying to shake away his embarrassment. "Do you guys know where the Seoul HQ for Jellyfish, by the way?" He asks, raising an eyebrow and finally taking a sip from his banana milkshake.

Taehyung and Jungkook's heads whip to me, eyes wide. 

"Why didn't you tell us he was Jellyfish?!" Jungkook exclaimed, staring at me in open-mouthed disbelief.

"Yeah, seriously?!" Taehyung sounded offended and he punched my arm.

Makseun's eyes narrowed. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with Jellyfish." He said defensively. "They're a great company and-"

"No, no that's not what we were saying!" Taehyung giggled, holding up his hands as if he were surrendering. "Jellyfish and BigHit usually get their Idols put in the same building, like the dance studios are in the same building and our apartment block has all of VIXX and Kim Se-Jong, as well as Jeong Jin-woon." He says with a bright, boxy smile.

Jungkook's eyes go wide. "Maybe that's what the renovations were! Maybe they were sorting our spare room into his room!"

Taehyung and I look at eachother, smiles growing. "Yeah, that actually makes sense!" I say excitedly.

"Uhm, why would they randomly put me with you guys? Wouldn't they put me with VIXX or something?" Makseun says logically, but obviously unaware of the arrangements for housing.

"Nope! VIXX and 2AM used to be roomed until 2AM "Officially" disbanded in September, VIXX aren't actually roomed with anyone, but they haven't mixed groups or artists from the same company since 2010, so I don't think they're going to start doing that again." Jungkook says factually, popping his collar at Taehyung and I as if he were proud of his memory.

Makseun smiles, looking down at the table. "Well, I don't know if that's what's happening, because I'm still in my hotel until the day after tomorrow." He rubs the back of his neck. "Could you take me to the studio though? I need to look around and figure out how I want things apparently."

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