I: Kim Makseun?

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BTS Perspective~

Bangtan were in the BigHit studio, laying tiredly on the floor after an intense dance session. Namjoon and Jin were discussing something the others couldn't be bothered with, J-Hope and Jimin were laying on the cold floor in silence, staring at the ceiling, and Jungkook, Taehyung and Suga were talking quietly together.

"I don't know to be honest, this dance is so complicated I just can't get it right." Yoongi complained. "Especially the Ya-Ya bit. Ya know, with the kicks?"

Taehyung nodded and sighed, pulling his phone from the bag beside him. "No, me neither. I haven't a clue how Hobi-hyung caught on with it so fast." He shook his head as he began scrolling through Twitter.

Jungkook rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder, looking at his hyung's phone. "Hobi is a master. He gets anything." He joked. Suga looked over Taehyung's shoulder, knocking his arm and making him tap into a video posted by Jellyfish.

Soft music began playing out and text splashed on screen. Kim Makseun, Ghost Tour.

"Kim Makseun?" Jungkook muttered, eyes fixed on the screen.

The text faded and the image of a male idol popped on screen and began to move. Taehyung's eyes widened, as did Jungkook's, Suga's breath caught in his throat and his palms began to sweat. He was gorgeous. He was leant in close to the camera as if he was turning it on. His pink lips were curled into a smile and his cheeks were dotted with freckles. He had one dimple and a seriously impresive jawline. His nose was slim and his eyes were big and inviting. His pink hair was stuffed under a grey beanie, giving him a childish look.

"Hello, everyone!" He said brightly, in a voice that seemed far too deep for his face. "How are you all? Welcome to my new room! Uh, so you've all been wondering what I've been up to these last few months as I've not released any new songs for... Six months?" He pulled a face that showed regret. "I'VE BEEN PLANNING A TOUR AND ALBUM!!" He yelled, throwing his weight back and his arms above his head, spinning in his chair. "I got a load of messages asking myself and Jellyfish if I'd quit, and here you go! I'm back! So, the album is called Ghost and I've been planning it for a long, long time. I've had some of the songs written for years, I'm telling you!" He laughed. "I cant really give away the details just yet, but keep an eye out! Love you, AURAs!" He blew kisses at the camera and winked, waving madly as the video ended.

The three boys stared at the screen blankly for a few moments.

"Kim Makseun?" Jungkook muttered again.

"I've never heard of him." Taehyung said, tapping on the Jellyfish account and looking through the affiliations list.

"I've seen bits of his work here and there. Its seriously impressive." Suga said with a small nod of approval. The truth was, Yoongi had been listening to Makseun's work for a good year or so now. "He seems interesting." He hastily added, getting a nod and a hum from the others in response.

Taehyung tapped the account labeld MakseunKim and scrolled through the account, opening up a few selfies and playing a few videos. He got bored and looked through some of the things he'd been tagged in.

"Makseun-oppa!! I cant wait for Ghost I'm so excited!! ❤ "

                       M: I hope I'll see you there! ❤

"I cant believe I met Makseun-hyung!! He deserves all the love in the world! Honestly look how he treats us!"

                       M: I'm not that great! I just treat my AURAs as they should be treated; like kings and queens ❤ I loved your jacket by the way😉

There was a video link attached to the original tweet so Taehyung tapped onto it. There was a video on a huge crowd with a parting down the middle for people to comfortably walk in and the crowd was screaming. The doors of what appeared to be an airport opened and a wave of people dressed in black spilled out. Makseun was easily recognised by his pink hair and the crowd went wild, but didn't try to press closer. He stopped and waited for them to get pictures and pulled down his dust mask, smiling widely. The person with the camera pushed to the front and he looked directly at them, smiling and walking over.

He reached for them and shouted over the crowd. "Fanboy?" The crowd cheered and the camera person said yes, clearly overwhelmed. Makseun smiled wider and pulled the person in for a hug, making the screen go black for a moment and the cheers from the crowd became muffled.

When Makseun pulled away, he took the phone and switched it to front facing camera. He stood beside the fanboy, who was covering his red, teary face, and smiled, shouting over the noise at the camera. "This guy! I like him!" The fanboy started crying again and Makseun gave him another hug and the video ended.

Again, the boys stared in silence.

"Wow~ he's even got fanboys ahh~" Taehyung cooed in awe.

"Aish, this guy must be good!"

"Find another one!"

"Makseun-nim! Please come to the UK!"

                        M: I'm working on it! ❤

After a while of scrolling and reading, they came across one last one.

"Poor Makseun, he got told mid performance that his mother died and collapsed... This is so sad..."

That tweet was the only one with a short reply, it read: 😩❤

Taehyung looked at Kookie and Suga, who impatiently tapped onto the video. Makseun was on stage wearing denim shorts and a black tshirt with some converse. He was singing and dancing beautifully, until he seemed to loose focus. Then he froze up and looked off stage, his face was blank and he crouched down, one fist on the floor and the other over his mouth. The music stopped and he shakily stood, turning to make his way on wobbly legs off stage. He only got three steps before his legs gave out and he collapsed, unconscious before he hit the floor. The video stopped as staff ran on stage.

"Oh my god..." Suga muttered. He was biting his lip and his eyes were wide. He remembered watching the live-stream as it happened.

"That's awful..." Jungkook replied, looking away from the screen.

"Yeah... I'm gonna find one of his songs." Taehyung opened up his YouTube app and searches "Kim Makseun" and opens the first MV. It's called Eomma. The melody was slow and soft, the kind that made you want to sway and cry. Instantly they fell in love with the song that talked about his memories of his mother and how much he missed her.

Suga was smiling slightly, but it was a sad smile. "That's... That's really good..."

Jungkook nodded. "Yeah, really emotional too."

Taehyung nodded, smiling widely. "I like this guy."

Idol ~ Min YoongiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz