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Jimin P.o.V

The boys, Liu and I arrived back at the hotel and spent the next few hours in mine and Kookie's room messing around. Hoseok seemed to have taken an interest in Liu and was asking her probably way too many questions, but she answered them regardless, laughing and joking in the natural, charismatic way she does.

One by one they retired to their rooms, Namjoon and Jin in one, Hoseok and Taehyung in another, Jungkook and I in a third and Liu in the last. Kookie and I flopped on our beds, quietly discussing the events of the past four months.

"So, now Makseun's father is being questioned and there's a very low likelihood of him being let off the hook?" Kook mutters, scrolling through his phone absently.

"Yeah, I mean he's got a count of assault on a police officer, multiple charges of domestic abuse and a proven charge of grevious bodily harm. I don't think he'll be let off lightly." I say with a bitter chuckle, pulling the adult colouring book and gel pens from my suitcase and starting to colour a picture of a delicate fox.

"Honestly, I cant believe some people. Like, how could you do something like that to anyone? I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He glances across at me.

"No, neither. It's disgusting."

"Considering you grew up with him and knew him while that was going on too... You must've really seen how it was affecting him, right?"

"Yeah, it was really weird to be honest. Like, he was cool and dandy, then one day he comes into school with a black eye and doesn't talk to anyone. He completely isolated himself from everyone. Then like a year later he started talking to people again after buffing up even more. He went from a complete hermit to a social butterfly and a heart-throb overnight. Then he stopped changing in front of people in PE and for basketball or the gym. It was unnerving but I didn't think anything of it 'til I slept with him. No one else knew about the abuse so-"

"WAIT WHAT?!" Kookie exclaims, suddenly sitting bolt up right in his bed, eyes boring into me.

I watch him, ridiculously confused at his outburst. "What..?"

"You slept with him?!" He asks, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

Shit did I say that..?! "U-Uh, no..?"

"Hyung! You never told me!" He exclaims.

"I didn't sleep with him. You're crazy." I turn my attention back to the colouring book, trying to ignore him.

"That's why you both get so awkward talking about when you were together!" He sounds proud of himself.

"Fuck off." I grumble, colouring aggressively. He giggles childishly, giving me his adorable bunny smile. "Don't tell the others..."

"Why not?"

"Well, Yoongi doesn't need to know half of the group has slept with Makseun, does he?" I exclaim, giving him a meaningful look.

He looks at his lap. "Good point..." He murmurs, face flushing.


Liu P.o.V

Finally Makseun returned to his hotel and transport back to Seoul was arranged. Ahn-unnie, bless her, managed to sort an arrangement for somewhere for me to stay in the same building as Oppa and the boys, meaning all my stuff now needs to be transported to Seoul too. But as of today the boys wanted to go shopping. Shopping for Taehyung's birthday presents.

Jungkook and Taehyung were staying in one of the hotel rooms with a few hired movies, loads of snacks and a pack of condoms Jimin had 'jokingly' supplied, whilst the rest of us went into Busan to find some gifts. Jimin quickly found a cool necklace for Taehyung and paid for it, putting it away safely. Jin found a sleek leather jacket and purchased that, shoving it into Jimin's bag. As the gifts were brought, Jimin's bag got heavier and their wallets got lighter.

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