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"No Sammi, it isn't like that - well I don't know what you want me to do about that - well you can spend your Friday night alone." I sighed, hanging up the phone.

It was just like Sammi to do something like this. Get all upset over one little thing.

"What's she upset about this time?" My mom - who had probably been listening the whole time - asked.

"I invited two other girls to go to the movies with us. It's not even like they're complete strangers, I mean we're all friends, but Sammi clearly wanted time alone. She's ridiculous." I ranted.

"Eh, well it's her fault if she's lonely. What movie are you going to see?" My mom laughed.

"The Amazing Spider-Man 2." I answer, plugging my phone in to charge.

"Why does every teenage girl wanna see that movie!?" I mom exclaimed. She worked in a high school outside if town, and by the tone of her voice, I could tell that many of her students were going to see it as well.

"Because, the guy in it is pretty damn attractive." I laughed.

"Language." She warned me.

"Sorry." I shrugged.

"Well, you better take off, or you'll be late for school." My mom patted my back, clearly done with this conversation.

"Okay, love you mom. I probably won't be home until eleven tonight, so don't worry." I told her, grabbing my bag off of the floor.

"Okay! Have fun." She yelled after me.

As soon as I left my front door, the cool Spring morning greeted me (a little too harshly, might I add). I pulled my jacket closer to my body and walked to my bus stop quickly.

My mom had to be at work early on Friday's, so she couldn't drive me. Therefore, Friday was bus day.

It wasn't uncommon for the bus to be an empty wasteland. I mean, nobody took the bus in the morning in high school. But I didn't really mind, there was no one irritating to sit next to me, no awful conversation I had to listen to. It was...nice.

I leaned against the pole by my bus stop and let out a big sigh. I checked my phone.

Friday, May 16

The bus would be here any minute, and just like any Friday, I would sit on that bus for twenty minutes and wait to get to that hellhole called school.

The bus finally pulled up five minutes later. I climbed up the steps and walked to my usual spot. I put my headphones in. The sound of the "Arctic Monkeys" filled my ears. The bus ride was about fifteen minutes, so it wasn't terribly long, but wasn't short either.

Our school was large, and contained four grades, like any other high school. And my school - like every other school - had a strong social hierarchy, except, I didn't know where I stood on that social ladder. My boyfriend, Calum, was a jock, and a typical one at that. He absolutely loved soccer, and I guess he was pretty strong. But, I knew he was pretty popular,  but I don't think I was. My best friend, Luke, was pretty geeky - but not the geekiest of the geeks.

Luke and I had been friends since grade school, and were still friends. Calum and I had known each other since sixth grade, but didn't really start interacting until seventh grade, when everybody was terribly awkward or terribly mean. He asked me out in eighth grade and I said yes, because, I mean he was pretty attractive, and funny, and nice, and perfect - I mean I'd be an idiot to say no! I mean I guess Calum had changed a bit, but not drastically.

But me. Who was I? That girl who is dating the popular boy and has a geeky friend. Who was I?

We finally arrived at school and I darted off the bus and ran towards my locker. Calum hated Friday's because I was never at school early, so we wouldn't have much time to talk in the morning. But I always tried to get to my locker as soon as I could.

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