i'm sorry

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hi guys.

don't get worried or anything, i'm not putting this on hold or deleting it or anything. i just want to say sorry.

i know a lot of you really like this book, and i feel like i'm not putting effort into it anymore. and i'm really not. i feel like i'm rushing it and it's just not turning out good, and i'm sorry about that.

the chapters are really short and most of the time they don't make sense, and this book would be more stretched out if i had more time. i wish i could go into detail but i can't . i have about nine other books in my create section that i'm super excited about and this book just isn't my first priority. i should be writing to write, not to finish, and right now with this book, i'm writing to finish, and if that's the attitude i'm writing with, it's just not gonna turn out good.

but i can't get myself out of this mindset. i'm such a crappy writer and a crappy person to you guys for doing this to you. i know i got you all sad about almost deleting this book, but then i got you all excited because it was staying, and now it sucks and i'm so sorry about that.

this isn't self promo (i mean it kind of is but)

but, i want you guys to read a book that i'm actually inspired to write, not one that i dread writing. i'm going to finish this book because there are only four chapters left, but, i just wanna put some options out there for those of you who wanna read more of my stuff.

i promise you i can be better than this. i really am sorry for putting this book through so much.

so i'm gonna give you some sneak peeks of books coming up, so you can read something i'm inspired to write

if you like fluff:

stars - luke hemmings :

Though, the rain was a simple object on a planet, in a solar system, in a galaxy, in a universe.

Rain was so simple, but maybe that's why she liked it. She was so used to seeing so many complex things that she was tired of complex. She wanted simple. She wanted droplets of water against her skin, just to remind her that she was alive, that she was a person. She liked the way it smelled and the way it tasted. She liked the feeling it gave her in her chest when she walked barefoot on a cooled pavement street that was wet with rain. She loved it.

It was so simple, and that was the thing about Vera, she was so simple. I was always looking at her as if she was some complex object. Something that I couldn't fathom into a small body and deep brown eyes. I was so wrong. She was so simple.

bar soap - michael clifford (completed, it's on my profile) :

"do you know anything about the stars?" charlotte asked michael.

"no," he shook his head.

they were laying on the blanket in the dark of the night, looking at the stars.

"me neither," she laughed.

"we're hopeless," michael joked.

charlotte nodded and turned to michael, her eyes examining every facial feature.

"do you have any tattoos?" she asked. he nodded and her eyes widened, "can i see?"

michael rolled up his shirt sleeve a little bit so she could see the full tattoo.

"this is my favorite," he told her. her finger traced over the words written on his bicep.

"to the moon," she whispered.

the infamous words of a teenage heartthrob ➳ a. i. auWhere stories live. Discover now