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To: Ashton

are you free today, i'm bored :(

To: Isabelle

I have to study.

To: Ashton

noooo youre like luke

To: Isabelle

Sorry, but this test is in two weeks.

To: Ashton

youre kidding me right

To: Isabelle


To: Ashton

the test is in two weeks and youre already studying for it?

To: Isabelle

Well I don't want to fail

To: Ashton

youre not gonna fail you can study next week or on the night before the test like everybody else

To: Isabelle


To: Ashton

yay i'll meet you down town by the shoe store okay

To: Isabelle

okay, ill see you then

I smiled happily and set my phone down on my bed. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, running out the door.

"Mom, I'm going into town!" I called, grabbing my key and my phone.

"Okay, be back by five," she called back. I ran out of my apartment and down the stairs to the lobby. I waved to the building manager who was sat at the desk, he smiled at me as I pushed the front doors open.

I ran down the street and slowed to a walk when I reached the town's main street. My apartment building was only a block from town which was ridiculously convienent. I would go to town alone, or with my friends, and it wasn't like we needed somebody to drive there.

When I neared the shoe store, I saw Ashton sitting on a bench alone with his phone in his hands. Rather than the nice clothes he was wearing to school and to town on Friday, he was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and an AC/DC T-Shirt. It was weird seeing him dressed like that, but I assumed his mom just didn't want him dressed like that for school.

"I like your shirt," I pointed to his chest. He smiled and straightened it.

"Do you listen to them?" he asked.

"Yeah," I smiled, nodding.

"What's you're favorite song?" he tilted his head to the side.

"Wheels or Black Ice, I can't really decide," I told him. He nodded and furrowed his eyebrows. I cocked my head to the side. "You seem confused."

"Yeah, you just don't seem like the kind of girl to listen to music like that," he laughed.

"Well, I do," I shrugged.

"Do you listen to All Time Low-"

"Don't start with me, oh, my god. Their music is-"


"Yeah," I looked at him with a smile on my face.

"I like you," he nudged me.

"I like you, too," I laughed.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked, motioning around to the shops.

"I don't know, anywhere," I shrugged.

"I know this music store-"

"There's a music store in this town?" I interupt him. He laughed and nodded.

"It's like a block away from town," Ashton pointed in the general direction of it.

"Let's go," I said, a little too excitedly, grabbing his hand and dragging him off of the street.

The walk was super short and before I knew it, we were outside a small shop with various band posters on the outside of it. I looked at it excitedly and dragged Ashton inside. The bell above the door jingled as I ran to a random isle, looking at all of the CD's.

"Hey, Ashton," the boy at the counter waved. I recognized him from school. His skin was really pale and his hair was purple, which was a little strange, but I brushed it off. He had and eyebrow piercing above OJE if his eyes and a snapback thrown lazily on his head.

"Hey, Michael," Ashton nodded. I looked at Ashton with a confused expression and waited for some kind of introduction.

"You finally got yourself a girlfriend," Michael motioned towards me. Ashton and I had the same reaction that Luke and I had last night when he had thought that we were dating.

"She's not my girlfriend. Isabelle, this is Michael, Michael this is Isabelle, my...person," Ashton explained awkwardly. I hit his arm lightly and turned to him with a look of disbelief.

"It's so nice to be your person," I said sarcastically. Ashton shrugged and mumbled something incoherent.

"Michael works here all the time, and I come here all the time, so," Ashton explained, trailing off.

"What brings you here today, Irwin?" Michael asked.

"We were looking somewhere to go, and we were talking about music, so I figured we'd come here," Ashton shrugged. I nodded and looked at Michael awkwardly. He motioned for me to come closer to him so I walked past Ashton awkwardly until I stood in front of the counter. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"What do you think about All Time Low's music?" Michael asked suspiciously. I looked at Ashton and giggled.

"Sex," I told him without hesitation. Michael's face broke out into a smile and he motioned for Ashton to come to the counter too. He patted Ashton on the shoulder and laughed.

"She's a keeper, Irwin."


[this might be short but idk

almost to 300 reads yay

okay bye]

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