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"Are you sure you want to go out?" Ashton raised his eyebrow as he pulled a pair of skinny jeans on.

We had been in New York City for nearly three weeks and I had finally gotten used to the city. It was growing on me, I had to admit. Ashton and I had pushed our little fight aside quickly, not wanting it to ruin our time in New York. We would go out once a day and walk around, buy some food, and head back to the apartment. It wasn't exciting or thrilling, but we were fine with it.

It was later at night, Ashton told me that "we should avoid going out at night" but I wanted to see the city at night.

"Yeah, Ash, I wanna live for once," I laughed. He shrugged and pulled a shirt over his head. I unplugged my phone from the charger and stuck it in my front pocket.

"Okay," he sighed and walked out of the apartment.

"I heard there's a club down the street," I told him.

"Yeah, do you want to go there?" he raised his eyebrow, I nodded and followed him out of the apartment. Nights were cold in New York, even in the Summer, it was dark and various people were out and about, most likely going to a party or a club. Ashton gripped my hand tightly as he led me down the street.

There was a man at the front of the club who asked for I.D. Ashton and I were both 18, and luckily this wasn't a 21+ club. We showed the man our I.D.'s and walked inside.

"I bet you can't get drinks off of the bar tender," Ashton smirked at me.

"I bet I can," I said smugly and flipped my hair over my shoulder. I walked over to the bar and sat down, leaning over the counter a little.

"Can I get you something to drink?" the man behind the counter asked.

"Yeah," I smiled sweetly.

"I need to see I.D." the man told me, I nodded and reached into my pocket. I frantically searched around my pockets and my purse, it seems that I've "misplaced" my I.D.

"Oh no," I sighed sadly.

"What?" the boy raised his eyebrow.

"I lost my I.D. I can't believe this is happening to me, it's my 21st birthday and now I can't even drink!" I wept. Ashton watched from a corner, he was clearly amused.

"Hey, hey, I'll give you some drinks, it's fine, just don't mention this to anybody," the nervous boy said, calming me down, I looked up at him with bright eyes.

"Thank you so much," I smiled. He came back with two mixed drinks and smiled at me.

"They're on me," he told me. I mumbled a thank you and walked over to Ashton.

"Where the hell did you learn to do that?" Ashton laughed at me.

"Sammi and I were pretty wild last summer, she's a great actress," I shrugged.

"Not bad," Ashton bit his lip and grabbed a drink from me.

"I'm just warming up, we're getting wasted tonight," I giggled and took a sip from my drink.


"Hurry up, Ash, " I giggled. Ashton stumbled after me and kissed my lips sweetly.

"We're totally fucking when we get back to the apartment," Ashton breathed against my lips. I bit down on his bottom lips causing him to moan. I let go and kept walking towards our apartment.

I had gotten a lot of drinks off of desperate men at the club, and Ashton and I had managed to get wasted. Not that I was complaining, I felt invincible.

the infamous words of a teenage heartthrob ➳ a. i. auWhere stories live. Discover now