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I walked with my dad to the crime scene. Two dead teenagers. A girl and a boy. Both of them had alcohol in their systems. There was nothing else. The police had left but I still stood there quietly. I sat on the ground, I didn't care that someone had died here. I placed my hand on the ground but it landed on something. A pen.

I picked it up, there was dried blood on it. I gulped and set it down. Something wasn't right. They had to be missing something. My eyes skimmed across the alleyway. Then I saw it. blending in with the black concrete below it. Right next to the wall. A journal. I scurried over and picked it up.

The Infamous Words of a Teenage Heartthrob.


"What a terribly tragic love story," the lady gasped.

"You don't know the full of it," I sighed, and handed her the journal.

"I can't believe you said you enjoyed this story, it's morbid and twisted and-"

"different," I finished her sentence.

"Yeah, it is, but-"

"But what? Their story deserves to be told, please, bear with me here, it'll be big. It was all over the news, this journal was all of the news, but no one except for the police have seen it. I got permission from the police. Write this book. Give people a story to the faces they saw on the news. Give their family and friends closure," I begged.

The lady sat there quietly. She stared at me and then nodded, "I'll write it."

-The End-

[honestly can't believe it's over but i'm happy at the same time. haha

okay so basically this book was the book that the lady wrote based off of Isabelle's journal, so yeah.

make sure to check out my rant book: # i dont knows and my the other books on my profile that are all completed.

i have a huge book coming out on january 25th called fangirl so keep an eye out for that im v excited about it.



xoxoxo mary elizabeth]

the infamous words of a teenage heartthrob ➳ a. i. auNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ