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"I'm not perfect, but I swear, I'm perfect for you," Ashton mumbled against my lips as we stood in front of my door.

"That's so cheesy," I hit his chest and pulled away from him.

"Those are my favorite lyrics, don't make fun of them," Ashton whined. I shook my head and grabbed his hand.

"Hey, you can tell me about your broken heart when you're ready," I said in a jocular tone, even though I really meant it.

"I will," Ashton promised as I let go of his hand and started to reach for my doorknob. He grabbed my wrist quickly before I could open the door, though, and spun me around. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and waited for an explanation.

"I forgot, I wanted to ask you something," Ashton said awkwardly.

"Oh, what?" I asked.

"Can we make things official? Like, ya know, boyfriend/girlfriend official?" he asked. I laughed and smirked.

"Of course you awkward twat," I smacked his chest and pecked his lips. He shook his head at me and kissed my cheek sloppily. I waved goodbye and walked into my apartment, only to be greeted by my mom, who looked overly excited about the conversation she had clearly just heard.

"You moved on from that douche Calum! I'm proud of you!" she squealed. I looked at her wide-eyed and sighed.

"Ashton and I have been seeing each other for a while, you know that, right?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah, but-"

"Don't try to explain, mom," I laughed, walking past her into the kitchen. She followed me.

"Hey, you left your journal here this morning," she told me, and I turned around quickly.

"Thank god, I thought I lost it," I gasped, pulling it off of the table.

"How's it going?" my mom pointed to the journal.

"Half full, but I feel like it'll start filling up pretty soon," I told her and grabbed a bag of chips from the cabinet. I waved goodbye to her and walked to my room, plopping down on my bed.

I was only sat down for a couple seconds before my phone started to ring.

"Issy! Oh, my god I have so much to tell you!" Sammi's voice squealed through the phone.

"What?" I laughed.

"Okay, so- no stop -dammit, why? -well that's stupid- fine. Never mind Isabelle, I'll talk to you later," Sammi sighed.

"Are you with someone right now?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah," Sammi answered

"Who?" I asked excitedly, Sammi didn't really hand out with people besides Luke and I.

"I'm not allowed to tell you," she replied quietly.

"Why not?" I pouted.

"Because I can't, I have to go, love you-" Sammi managed to say before someone hung up her phone for her.

I sighed and pulled a book out of my school bag. I hadn't yet finished The Famous Words of Edith Marcy from a couple weeks ago, simply because I've been a bit preoccupied with Ashton or Sammi.

For the first time in a couple of weeks I wasn't swamped with homework, I didn't have Sammi over, I wasn't begging Luke to hang out, I wasn't making out with Ashton. It was nice, almost, until I realized how empty I felt without someone here. I had become so dependent on Ashton and through that I had also become so infatuated with him. His big smile and deep dimples. His hair that was getting out of control, and his geeky glasses that reminded me of Harry Potter. I liked his giggled and his stubble and his thighs and everything on his body. I was completely infatuated with Ashton, and I never had time to realize it.

I began reading the pages of the book and I realized that Edith Marcy and I weren't all that different, except I wasn't famous, and I wasn't Edith Marcy. I was a teenage girl who went to high school and had somehow scored a hot boyfriend. I thought back to the first night Ashton and I actually talked, he told me that I had the whole school wrapped around my finger. Was it reallly like that?

Then there was Ashton, a total heartthrob, it didn't matter that he was a nerd, girls drooled over him, I mean who wouldn't? He wasn't famous either, but he was pretty wise, and that's what was valuable. I bit my lip and grabbed my journal.

In neat letters I wrote The Infamous Words of a Teenage Heartthrob on the front, and under it I wrote A Tale About a Heartthrob and his Girlfriend. That's what I'd been writing about in here anyway.

"Isabelle, what do you wanna do for dinner?" my mom called from the kitchen. I sighed and closed my book, padding down the hallway to the kitchen.

"Whatever's easy for you, mom," I smiled and turned to go back to my room.

"Is! You never talk to me anymore!" my mom whined, I sighed and turned around again.

"It's not like I'm gonna run off and get married, mom, I'll always be here," I smiled and she nodded.

"I know, it's just been different since you broke up with Calum," she commented.

"So, you think this is Ashton?" I raised my eyebrow.

"No, I don't think so, I just don't like the feeling of losing my daughter," she moped. I sighed and sat down at the table.

"Mom, you'll never loose me, even when I'm not here, you'll not have lost me," I told her sincerely and got up to walk to my room.



make sure you read the poem for this part, it's like the main idea of this part but on my app it's showing up out of order so look for it "2 - an angel and the devil" okie dokie

this chapter was kind of jumpy and it doesn't really follow a plot line but it's basically foreshadowing everything that happens in part two.

if you haven't gotten a chance to watch my q&a video yet, it's on the side. i'll probably be taking it down by the end of november so watch it while you can :)

the picture is 13 quotes from the second part of this story

i posted this earlier than expected bc my friend wanted me to so you get it a couple hours early

okay ilygsm i've missed you xx


xoxoxo mary elizabeth]

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