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Louis was having a pretty shïtty day.

It had started when that morning, while he was getting ready to go to work, he couldn't get his sneakers on his feet, and not just because his 9 month pregnant bump made it hard for him to bend down, but also because his feet were swollen.

But after 15 minutes of trying, he finally managed to do it, but that was when the next problem began: walking in tight sneakers, which was so uncomfortable, but he just had no choice but to suck it up, because he didn't have any other shoes that he could get his feet in.

So he just left for work, getting there late, as he knew he would, and as he also predicted, walking around the diner waiting tables was pretty much torture all morning, but that wasn't the cherry on top of the icing, not at all.

That happened when around noon, he started getting those practice contractions, but the first one was so sharp and unexpected, that he accidentally dropped a tray with plates with food in them in the middle of the diner, making a huge mess.

And because he was so pregnant, it was very difficult for him to pick up the mess, and Niall had to come to his rescue and help him, which he was so grateful for, and he told him as much.

To top it all, he kept thinking about Harry and he kept replaying their kiss over and over again in his head, wondering what it had meant to Harry, which he had no way of knowing, because he hadn't seen him since.

He knew Harry was away flying, but he had no idea when he was coming back, or if he was even going to see him whenever he did, or if Harry was going to keep hiding.

Whetever the case, that kiss was almost all Louis thought about.

That, and the fact that he was too pregnant to function like a normal person.

"Thank god this shift is over" Louis sighed, as he sat down on the bench in the locker room "Everything hurts right now".

"Lou, maybe you should stop coming to work, I mean, you're full term now-" Niall was saying.

"Not for another week" Louis corrected his friend, as he rubbed the side of his belly, which was tightening again.

"A week doesn't make much difference when you're this far along, everyone can see how uncomfortable you are" Niall said, his look showing the pity he felt for him "And I'm sure Delilah will understand".

"I know I complain a lot, but I'm fine, I can still work" Louis brushed off.

"Just promise me you'll go home and rest now" Niall told him.

"Trust me, I'll go straight to bed the second I get home, I need sleep" Louis decided.


When Louis got home, and was finally able to take off his shoes, he almost cried, because his feet had been hurting all day. Then without even changing into more comfortable clothes, he got inside the bed, and laid on his side, needing some sleep, he was exhausted.

But to his bad fortune, he kept on having the Braxton Hicks contractions all afternoon, which didn't quite let him sleep, but he managed to doze off in between them, which was going to have to do.

"Lou?" Liam's voice said.

"Hmm?" Louis asked, and opened his eyes, seeing his friend standing at the door.

"I'm gonna make dinner, are you hungry?" Liam wondered.

"Yeah" Louis replied, as he stretched in the bed, because he was actually starving.

"Alright, I'll let you know when it's ready" Liam informed him.

"Thanks, Liam" Louis replied, and yawned.

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