Chapter 17

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~Mikey's P.O.V, One Week After~

"I JUST.. EVERYBODY! I LOSe everybody." I finally break down. Luke's eyes get wide. I can't blame him. I haven't talked since the crash. Artemis is in a coma. I can't believe I let it happen. "IT WAS MY DAMN FAULT!" I yell. I've been by her side since she got here.

Luke stands up, puts his hands on my shoulders, and tries to look me in the eye.

"I don't EVER want to here you say that, again. EVER. And Michael? You aren't the only one being affected." I finally look at him and realize his eyes are red, like mine, and he has dark circles. I sigh.

"I know. I'm sorry. I loved... I love her." I look at her pale face. What will I do if she doesn't wake up?

"I know you do. So do I." I look at him and he shakes his head. "Not that way. As a friend." I nod and sit down, folding Artemis's cold hand into mine.

"I love you." I whisper.

~                         ~                        ~

"ARTEMIS!" I jolt awake, and standing by the bed is Abby, the girl from the beach.

"Abby? Arte- Wait. How do you know her real name?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Well... Okay. It started.. hm.. Nine years ago. My parents and brother got shot. And died. I got shot too, but, that night, I couldn't fall asleep so I put my feet on my pillow and my head at the foot of the bed. They shot the pillow, thinking my head was there, but ended up shooting above my knee. I was a short eight year old. Anyway, I fainted from the pain, and when I woke up, my sister, Artemis," Missy's reaction when she saw Abby... "Was gone and I was in the hospital. At 13, I decided I was going to search for her. I came to Cali a week and a half ago. That day we met, I couldn't get over how much she looked like Artemis. So when I saw 'Michael Clifford gets a girlfriend?! Missy Harler!' on every single Magazine cover, I flipped. I tried to get in touch, but I couldn't find her address. Then, another magazine caught my eye showing a picture of the crash with the caption: 'Michael Clifford's girlfriend gone already? Details on page 120!'  I flipped to the page, got the hopital address and here I am." She looks at Missy and I suddenly feel angry. I'm boiling. It's not that hard to find somebody. She couldn't have tried that hard. Nine years. It took her nine years to find her. I want to guard Missy from this strange girl, claiming to be family. But I know I'm being irrational. It is her sister, after all. Right?

"You're her sister?" I gape. Abby. Sister. She's not alone anymore. Not that she was alone once I found her. But she has true family now. Blood family. What will she do? Will she forget about me, and stay with her one family member? What a selfish thought.

"Out of all that? All you got was me being her sister?!" She rolls her eyes.

"Yeah. She was alone all these yeARS. SO I'M A BIT SURPRISED." My voice rises to a shout.

"You really care for her, huh? I'm glad she had you." I'm surprised she didn't shout back.

"YEAH. Yeah... I do." I look away so she doesn't see the tears, brimming, overflowing.

"Abby?" Luke walks in and just about drops his coffee.  "What are you doing here...?" He gestures at me and Missy and the room.

"Hi... I'm her sister." Luke's eyes get huge and she gives him a quick explanation.



More drama? *click* Or naw? Lol just kidding I think there's more drama >:) What do you think of Abby?



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