Chapter 24

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~~Mikey's POV~~

I would've cried. I swear. If I had talked to her over phone, I would've lost it. I'm going to visit, forget the tour. She's my top priority. But oh God, what does she think of me? She must hate me.

"Why?" Luke practically shouts.

"Gosh calm down. Why what?"

"Don't play that! Why didn't you talk to her?! You broke her heart! I could hear her choking up!" He's really shouting now.

"Because. I'll see her soon enough! I don't think I asked you for your input anyway."

"Bull. Michael you've known me for... How long? And you still won't tell me? Seriously?"

"Fine. You wanna know why?! I didn't because I would've cried. Happy?" I stand up and walk over to the window.

"That didn't make you any less of a man, now did it?" Luke says, and I roll my eyes.

*Bzz bzz*


Really? After all that and you won't even talk to her?! She's heartbroken, ya know.

I reply.

I don't remember asking your oppion? O.o

If some jerk, like yourself, messes with her, they mess with me! Because I'm her sister!

Oh wow! The sister that's gone for nine years is suddenly a heroine! Go her!

Don't play that card, Clifford.

Just did, bye.

Don't you dare!

I ignore it. I shouldn't have texted her that. I know I broke Missy's heart but I'll fix it. I will.

~                        ~                         ~

~One week later~

"What are you doing?" Calum walks into my hotel room.

"Packing an overnight bag."

"Well, obviously. Why though?"

"I'm leaving for a few days. I'll be back in time for the next concert."

"Uh. Again, why?"

"I have to straighten stuff out with Missy."

"Oh thank God! Do you need help packing? GUYS! MICHAEL IS GOING TO MAKE UP WITH MISSY!" Calum shouts. The guys come rushing in, grinning.

"It hasn't been that bad, gosh." I say.

"Uh, yeah it has. You not being friends with her has kept us from flying over there. Once you make up, we can see her again." Ashton explains.

"Oh. Well I'm packed, my flight leaves at four." They nod and head downstairs with me. I gotta catch a cab.

"Bye. Tell us how it goes!" Ash waves.


"Here we go." I mumble as I stand in front of the hospital door, fingers crossed.

~                        ~                         ~

~~Missy's POV~~

I got released from the hospital! It was pretty much right after my shower. I got some tests and was told to report back in two weeks.

The first thing I did, when I got to my apartment, was put my nose ring back in. Then I put my bikini on, went up to the roof and sunbathed. I couldn't deal with my pale skin any longer. Once I was up there for a few hours, I came back to my room and dug through my jewelry to find my belly ring, and slip it on.

I change into a sports bra and sport shorts. I lace up my sneakers, grab my earbuds and phone, and go for a run.

~    ~    ~    ~

"Ahh..." I sigh. I just got out of the shower. I had to take another one because I was sweaty and ew. I'm chillin' on my couch, in a bra and boy shorts.


I hate my doorbell. It has such an annoying ring. I get up and open my door, keeping it closed enough so the person can't see what I'm wearing. Once it's open, I gasp.

"Michael?" I whisper.


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