Chapter 29

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~~Missy's POV~~

Michael and I lay in bed, cuddling and reading. He suddenly sits up.

"You okay?" I ask, a bit concerned.

"Artemis, we only have one day left... with each other."

I bolt upright

"What?" I gape

"The guys and I have a world tour to get back to. It lasts for a year with only a few days of break. I -we- need to talk about the way we're going to handle distance, if we're going to handle it at all."

"What do you mean 'If we're going to handle it at all'?" I squint my eyes at him.

"Long distance is hard to do, Artemis. Especially with different time zones and stuff. Don't look at me like that," He reaches to cup my cheek but I stand up.

"So just like that, you're breaking up with me?"

"NO! I mean... This is why I said we need to talk about it, babe." He looks so worried and nervous so I ease back on to the bed. He sighs. Out of relief, I guess.

"Okay, let's talk. With long distance we can text, Skype, call, et cetera. I'm a night owl anyway so I can be awake for a little bit. On your days off we can meet up. It won't be that hard."

"You're going to have to deal with magazines saying I'm cheating, you're going to get a lot of hate, I'm going to be busy every day and at night I need to sleep. It's going to be harder than you think."

"Do you want us to break up?"

"Artemis of course not. I am in love with you. I'm just saying it would be easier."

"Michael Clifford! I didn't sign up for an easy relationship! I knew what I was getting into when I said I would be your girlfriend. I don't look at those magazines, hate doesn't bother me, I'm going to be busy with school and work too. I never said this was going to be easy, I just said it wasn't going to be that hard. I am committed to this relationship and I will do everything in my power to keep it afloat, because I am in love with you as well." He stares at me lovingly. He sits up, put his arms around my waist and whispered:

"I am committed too. We'll do long distance, no matter how hard it gets." He pulls me down on top of him, and we slowly take one step at a time.

It was the most romantic time of my life...


It's been awhile but here's the last official chapter! The epilogue is next.

ilyasm sorry for the wait




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