Chapter 27

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~~Missy's POV~~

The sand slides between my toes and the wind hits me in the face. I should've brought a jacket. I should've given Michael a second chance. I should've given him a chance to explain. He's probably with the band..

"Stop it." I say to myself. I can't do this. What's past is past. No regrets, right?

I look down the beach and see somebody sitting near the water. I squint and walk towards them. Something in the way the hair sticks up and the shoulders hunch is familiar...

"Michael?" I whisper. "Michael!" I say, louder this time. He turns his head and his face lights up. I run to him, fall to my knees, and hug him. And kiss him.

"I'm so sorry. I miss you so much! Forgive me?" I cry into his neck, and he wraps his arms around me.

"Why are you apologizing?! You did nothing wrong! I was stupid and I thought you'd think I wasn't masculine if I let you hear me cry, I thought you'd admire me for being a man! And instead of gaining admiration, I lost my dignity, and more importantly, you! I'm sorry, Artemis. So, so sorry." He kisses the top of my head.

"It's okay." I whisper, leaning into him.

We sit there, wrapped in eachothers arms, till the sun fully rises.

~                        ~                         ~

I wake up with my head on Michael's chest. I sit up and look around. We fell asleep on the beach! How romantic.

"Mmm... Turn the light off, Ash." Michael groans. I giggle a little bit and then kiss his cheek.

"Psst! Mikey, it's not Ash. And I'm afraid even if it was, he wouldn't be able to turn this light off." His eyes open a little and he grins, recognizing me. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me back down.

"What a beautiful face to wake up to," He says as he kisses the tip of my nose.

"We fell asleep on the beach. I do believe Abby will be worried." We speak quietly, so as not to disturb the peace.

"She tried helping me. I wanted to talk to you so I asked her for help. I can text her and tell her you're with me, if you want?"

"No. She isn't my parent. But I want to go back to my apartment anyway. I want coffee!" He laughs and we stand up. He laces his fingers between mine, and we head back to my place.


I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER! HOLY CRAP I AM SO SORRY! But yay! update... :) How are you? How are you enjoying the story? ILYASM



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