Chapter 22

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~~Mikey's POV~~

*bzz bzz*

I look down at my phone. It's Abby. I don't want to talk to her and, more importantly, I don't want to talk about Missy. I decline the call. A minute later I get a text:

C'mon! Answer your phone, Michael! I know you don't like me but it's urgent!

I roll my eyes but reply anyway:

Who said I don't like you? And what's so urgent?

I set my phone down for not even a minute before I get her response:

Call me.

I don't want to call her. We're backstage about to go back on. We had a ten minute break and it's almost over. I grab my water bottle and sip it. What could be so urgent? Is it something with Missy? Oh God how I miss her. I never would have left had it not been for the fans...

"C'mon! We're back on!" Ash grabs his drumsticks, Luke and I grab our guitars and Cal grabs his Bass, as we hit the stage again.

~                         ~                        ~

"Whew! What a rush!" Calum says as we climb into our tour bus, after navigating the crowds of screaming girls.

"I forgot how loud they could be, good lord!" I say, my hearing shot.

"I know! I must have had my ear screamed in at least a thousand times! I've missed it though." Luke shrugs as he checks his phone.

"Whoa. Abby's called three times, texted five."

"She's called me and Ash too." Calum looks up, eyes wide. "What if she woke up?"

"I'll call her. I've stayed in touch with her, over the months." Luke volunteers, turning down the radio and holding the phone to his ear.

What if she woke up?


Sorry for the short chapter!! But it was kind of hard to continue on where I left it :)

Anyway, hope you're enjoying it. Also, SHOUTOUT TO @CarnivalOfSouls AND @TormentedDarkness BECAUSE AMAZING. Go check them out they're really sweet and great writers, love them.

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