Get On Your Knees and Tell Me You Love Me

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Alex's POV:

Brrrrinnng! Brrrrinnnng!

I didn't even bother looking at my phone. It was too early. I figured it was just Mom, seeing if I was awake yet. I wasn't. It had been about a week since I spent the night with Marina, and it wasn't that bad. We got pissy with each other, but hadn't had any screaming matches. That made me pretty grateful. The phone stopped. 

I peeked out of my bunk, and saw that no one else was there. I got up and looked at the note on the table. 


We went out for breakfast. Call us when you get up.

Fucking assholes. Leaving without me. My phone rang again. Jesus christ...

The caller ID was Marina. She hadn't called me at all since we became friends again. I was concerned.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Alex." She said through tears. "Where are you?"

"I'm in my bus. Why?" I asked. She sounded so upset.

"I'm really sick and I'm starting to get nervous. Everybody else went out for breakfast. I told them I would be fine, but I'm really not!" She bawled.

"What's wrong? What do you want me to do?" I said, getting nervous.

"My entire body aches. I can't stand without being dizzy. I think I need to go to the hospital." I could hardly understand her through her hysterity.

"I'll be right over." I hung up, and propelled to her bus.

When I got there, I ran up the stairs and into the front lounge. She was lying on the couch, hugging her stomach, with tears leaping down her face.

"Marina!" I sat beside her, holding her up to hug her.

"I'm so glad you're here!" She cried. "My head is spinning."

I folded a blanket over her and carried her bridal style outside. Luckily, the car was still here. I set her in the back seat. "You hang in there, okay, sunshine?"

She simply nodded, still crying in pain. I got in the front seat, driving out into the road. I pulled out my phone. "Siri, find me the nearest hospital."

"I'll get that to you right away." She answered. I waited a few moments, at a red light. "The nearest hospital is five minutes away. I'll show you the map."

I glanced at the map, but didn't need to. There was a big blue sign with an "H" on it, signifying hospital. I pulled into the parking lot of the ER, and immediately grabbed her bridal style again. I shut the door and carried her inside. She had stopped crying so much, probably because she wasn't so nervous anymore. I shhed her, trying to calm her down. 

We went up to the front desk, and I explained our situation. Marina added that it felt like a severe case of the flu. She told us to sit down again, and that she'd treat us in a moment.

"Alex, I'm so scared." She quietly said to me.

I was still holding her bridal style, even though we were sitting. I was also scared, but I had to be here for her. It was fall, not flu season. I was so glad that I'd been there, or else something could've seriously gone wrong. "Don't be. I'm here, and I'm not gonna let anything get to you." And I meant it.

"Will you hold my hand?" She asked.

"Of course." I interlocked our fingers. I noticed she was wearing the promise ring. "You still have that?"

"I already told you, Alex. You have great taste." She giggled a little and wiped her cheek. Damn, she looked so helpless. "I was wearing it yesterday. I guess I just forgot to take it off."

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