≥1≤ Cursed

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I watched him as he moved through the library, he moved into town a few weeks ago. He didn't talk to anyone and he didn't have any friends that I could see. But I was determined to talk to him, there was something about him that fascinated me. After gathering my courage, I bravely walked over to him.

"Hi, I'm Sara!" I said, smiling at him. He looked at me, then smiled back.

"Hello." He said, "my name is Jiyong." I smiled and held my hand out, he seemed hesitant at first but then took my hand and gently shook it. We talked for a bit more and then made plans to meet the next day.

Weeks passed and as we got closer, I felt myself falling in love with him. I had no idea if he felt the same way, so I kept it to myself. Then, suddenly, he stopped talking to me. It was like he dropped off the face of the Earth. I texted and called him, but he never responded. Finally, I just couldn't stand it anymore, I decided to go to his house to talk to him.

When I got there, I took a deep breath before knocking. I was suddenly very nervous. After knocking three times an older woman answered.

"Yes?" She asked crossly.

"Hi! I'm here to see Jiyong, I'm his friend Sara." I said pleasantly. 

She looked me up and down cynically, then replied, "there's no one here by that name."

"What? He told me he lived here!" I cried, dismayed.

"Well, it must've been a cruel joke. Good day." She said, before slamming the door in my face. There was something about her though that didn't seem right. I felt like she was lying to me, so I decided to sneak around back of the house to look for clues.

After looking around for a bit, I sat down tiredly. Why would he randomly disappear like that? I didn't know, but I wanted, moreso needed, to find out! Then suddenly, I heard a twig snap. I looked up and saw Jiyong standing by the edge of the woods, staring at me. "Jiyong!" I cried, jumping up. But before I could say anything else, he turned and fled into the woods.

"Jiyong, wait, come back!" I ran after him. He didn't stop, he just kept running. "Jiyong!" I yelled. Then, suddenly, he stopped and whirled around, almost making me crash into him.

"Stay away from me, you shouldn't have come!" He yelled, making me step back slightly.

"But why? Why did you just drop me out of your life?" I suddenly felt angry. 

"It's for your own safety, I'm not who you think I am." Jiyong said, his eyes glinting a pale red.

"What are you talking about? That's ridiculous." I said, starting to feel uneasy but wanting to get at least some of the truth from him.

"It's not safe to be around me, especially now. I never should have let myself get close to you." He cried, "you're in danger." 

I stared at him, it was like he was changing. His eyes weren't a beautiful brown anymore, but had changed to a dark red and his hair looked a bit longer then it was before. "Please, you need to go, I'm cursed." He whispered, then suddenly, he cried out in pain. He yelled and grabbed his side. "I don't want to hurt you." He looked up at me pleadingly.

He gave another yell and I watched in horror as he changed into a giant wolf. "Go!" He yelled, before turning completely. I turned around and ran for my life, hearing his roar come from somewhere behind me. I was too afraid to look back, so I just kept running. Then, suddenly, I heard another roar, but much closer this time. I screamed and started to climb the nearest tree, but I knew it was over when I felt him grab onto me.

I closed my eyes and silently accepted my fate. Then there was a loud noise, like a gun shot, and the next thing I knew there was an older woman yanking me up off the ground. The same woman I had talked to earlier.

"You shouldn't have come, stupid girl." She scolded, dragging me through the woods.

"What's happened? Where's Jiyong? Is he ok?" I was confused.

"He won't be after tonight." She replied, and I caught a hint of sadness in her voice. "Go home, stay inside and lock the doors." She told me, "I must try to contain my grandson."

I nodded and ran all the way home, never looking back. I managed to survive that night, but there were others who were not so fortunate. The next morning, after the horrors of that moonlit night, the townspeople tried to hunt down the werewolf. But I knew deep inside of me that he was gone. I never saw him nor his grandmother ever again. Or so I thought.

Dun dun dun!!! What will happen next? Guess you should keep reading!! Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Rachel :)

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