>11< Tragedy Strikes

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Jiyong watched as the car drove away, with Sara in it. He felt like it was his future that was driving away from him in that car. It very well could be, he suddenly realized. I have to prove to her that I didn't do it. He started to feel desperate. Suddenly, he caught a scent on the wind, one that he had thought he'd never find again. He looked towards the woods, where it was coming from.

"Grandma, I have something to do." He called, before turning and running into the trees. It didn't take him long to find the source, it lead him to a clearing. He saw a figure standing with his back turned towards him, he would know that figure anywhere. "Seungri." He stepped into the clearing. The figure turned, looking at him.

"Jiyong, so this is where you've been hiding. Pretty nice place." Seungri looked around.

"Seungri, what are you doing here? Is Daesung here too?" Jiyong glanced around, looking for him.

"I'm here." He heard Daesung say, from behind him. He turned and looked at him. He looked the same as before, only a bit more strong.

"What are you doing here?" He asked again, hoping for an answer.

"Hello Sunmi, how are you?" Seungri asked. Jiyong noticed his grandmother standing near him.

"I am as well as can be expected." She replied. Jiyong was losing patience, why weren't they giving him an answer?

"We came looking for you." Daesung seemed to sense his frustration. "We want you to come back."

"I'm not leaving without her." Jiyong said, softly.

"You imprinted on someone?" Seungri asked, and Jiyong nodded. "Was there an issue? Like someone coming between you?"

"Yes, why?" Jiyong was slightly confused.

"Oh good, then we took care of the problem for you...." Daesung started to retreat into the trees.

"So it was you." Jiyong was getting angry, "Daesung I swear..." He started towards him but suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder.

"This is not the time or place. Jiyong, go to Sara, she needs you." Sunmi said.

"She hates me, she never wants to see me again. And it's all because of Daesung." Jiyong glared  at him threateningly.

"Jiyong, you know I can't always control myself, it was an accident. I swear it." Daesung said pleadingly, starting to retreat into the woods again.

"That's not the case, Jiyong. If you go to her now then she will see how much you love her and she will realize that she loves you as well." His grandmother tightened her grip on him. Jiyong shot another glare in Daesungs' direction, then turned around to leave.

"I'll deal with you when I get back." He said through gritted teeth, then he ran out of the woods to the car. I won't let you down again Sara, I promise. He thought, as he drove towards the hospital.


When Sunny and I got to the hospital, she let me out by the door then parked the car. We both ran to the emergency department.

"Sara, Sunny, over here!" We heard my dad call. We ran over to them, just as the doctor came out.

"He is not conscious." He was saying, "he was attacked by some sort of animal. But the claw marks and the wounds are exactly like the ones on the victims from the tragedy two years ago."

Taeyang's mother gasped, covering her mouth. "Please tell me he's going to make it!" She stifled a sob.

"We're doing the best we can, don't worry." The doctor placed his hand on her arm. 

I felt horrible, I felt like I was responsible somehow. I covered my mouth, trying not to cry. I felt my mom put her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"Who found him?" I asked, barely above a whisper.

"There was a hunter who found him by the side of the road, he said he must've crawled out of the woods." My dad said. I closed my eyes, tears starting to fall. I felt Sunny put her arms around me, she was crying too. We waited for what felt like hours. How could he do this? Why would he do this? I kept asking myself, over and over again. But deep down inside me, I knew that he was telling the truth, and that he would never hurt me. Or anyone I cared about.

The doctor came out to tell us that Taeyang was out of danger, but still hadn't regained consciousness. He was moved to a room, and we could see him. When we entered, I saw Taeyang laying in the bed. His face was pale and he had bandages on his chest and head.

"Taeyang?" I went over and took his hand. His mother ran over and grabbed his other hand crying. His father stood at the end of the bed, looking sad. We stayed with him until visiting hours were over, but even then, I couldn't leave him. "Please mom, I want to stay with him tonight." I pleaded with her.

"Ok, we'll let you. We'll come get you tomorrow morning." She said, after a while. I thanked her by giving her a hug. After everyone had gone, I sat on a chair next to his bed, suddenly feeling very tired. I leaned my head on the mattress next to him, almost falling asleep. Suddenly, I felt someone watching me. I sat up and looked towards the door, and there stood Jiyong, watching me.

"Jiyong, what are you doing here?" I was suspicious.

"I'm here for you." He walked over and knelt in front of me. "I would never hurt you Sara, ever. I would never forgive myself."

I smiled at him and put my arms around his neck, in a tight hug. I felt his arms go around my waist and he pulled me close, gently kissing my neck. He got up and carried me over to the small love seat by the window, sitting down and letting me lean against him.

"Jiyong? Who did it? Is there another wolf here?" I suddenly felt scared.

"Yes, but I won't let him hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you." He held me tighter. I felt safe in his arms, and as I fell asleep, I knew that he would keep this promise to me.

Hey there everyone! I bet you weren't expecting an update on a Friday! Tehe! I have decided that since the Christmas season is now upon us, I will be updating every Friday instead of Saturday. Reason being that we always do stuff on the weekends and it gets very busy! As always thanks for the support and thank you for reading!!
Rachel :)

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