>30< Forever

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It was finally graduation, I was so happy to be done! The ceremony was in a few days, so Sunny and I had time to go dress shopping. We went to the mall with our moms. After trying on what seemed to be endless dresses, we decided to break for lunch.

"I'm exhausted!" Sunny said, plopping down in the booth.

"So am I!" I said, sitting next to her and leaning my head in my hand. I got a text from Jiyong, but I didn't answer. I'll respond later, I'm too distracted right now. He'll understand! I thought.

"Sara!" Sunny said suddenly, annoyed.

"What?" I asked, looking at her confusedly.

"Your overprotective boyfriend won't stop texting me. He's worried that you somehow died while dress shopping because you won't answer him!" She said, grumbling. I giggled and sent him a text.

                    (S): I'm fine, I'll talk to you later!

                    (J): ok! I love you! <3

                    (S): I love you too!

"Seriously?! I tell him that you're fine and he still freaks out, you tell him and he's all chill??? Come on!" Sunny exclaimed, facepalming. I laughed.

"He must've wanted to hear it from me! Anyways, is your boyfriend coming to see us graduate?" I asked, looking at her. Sunny immediately blushed.

"He's not my boyfriend!" She said quickly, trying to hide the fact that her face was all red.

"But you love him." I said, "and he obviously loves you back, so you guys could be together."

"I know, I do love him more then anything. But.....Daesung is still worried about not being able to control himself. He doesn't want to hurt anyone else! Seunghyun told me that he had to do a lot of convincing to get him to stay with him!" She said, with a sigh. "Even if I can't be with him, I can still say that he's my friend. And he is coming to see us graduate. So is Seunghyun."

I nodded, I was happy with Jiyong, and I wanted Sunny to be happy too. And Taeyang, I wanted everyone to be happy! I sighed.

"I know." Sunny said. Just then, our moms came with the food.

After we ate, we went looking again for our graduation dresses. Finally, in a store that seemed hidden in a corner of the mall, we found them.

"These are gorgeous!" My mom said, as we were trying them on. I loved it, I felt like a fairy princess! I twirled around, the skirt flowed out beautifully. Mine was a beautiful blue and Sunny's was a light purple. We bought them and got matching shoes, then we went home.

On the day of graduation, I was more then a little nervous. Oh gosh, what if I trip and fall???? I thought, the very thought terrifying me. I knew it seemed to be a stupid thing to be worried about, but if it did happen, it would happen in front of everyone. I did not want to make that mistake!

Sunny was equally as nervous. But we were fine, and after we got our pictures taken with friends and family. I was so happy that I could share this moment with them. Afterwards we all went to dinner, we talked and laughed late into the night. I sat next to Jiyong, and we secretly held hands under the table. But Taeyang and Daesung discovered and teased us. I was happy and having fun, but there was something missing. Seungri and Sunmi.

I wished that they were here too, enjoying this with us. I felt Sunmi was watching over us, I knew that that's not how it works, but the thought was comforting either way. I could tell that Jiyong was missing her too. Even though he was laughing and talking with everyone, I could see it in his eyes. When we finally got home, it was almost midnight. I went to follow my parents into the house but Jiyong held me back.

"Sara, can you meet me at the river walk tomorrow? Around noon?" He asked me, holding my hands.

"Sure!" I said, smiling at him. He kissed me on the cheek, then, after saying goodnight, he drove back to his house. I went inside and straight up to bed. What does Jiyong want? I wondered, as I drifted off to sleep.

The next day, I walked to the river. I got there first and only waited for a few minutes before Jiyong appeared.

"Hey!" I said, when I saw him. He smiled at me and hugged me tight. He seemed kind of nervous, I didn't know why.

"Do you want to walk a little bit?" He asked me. I nodded. We walked along the river a little ways, and Jiyong seemed to get more nervous. What's wrong with him? I thought.

"Jiyong? Are you ok?" I asked, looking at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said, then he stopped walking. "I just need to ask you something and I'm trying to work up the courage to do that!"

"What's that?" I asked him. I was starting to feel excited for some reason.

"Sara, I love you so much, I know that you are mine. But I want other people to know it too." He said, then, he kneeled down on one knee and asked, "Sara Livingston, will you marry me?"

I stared at him for a minute, processing what he just asked me. Then I freaked out inside. "Yes!! Yes of course!!!" I cried, kneeling down to his level.

He put his arms around me and we kissed, he held me close like he would never let me go.

"I bought something to make it official." He said, rather sheepishly. I smiled as he pulled out a beautiful diamond ring and placed it on my finger.

"Jiyong, it's beautiful!" I breathed, gazing down at it.

"Not as beautiful as you are!" He replied lovingly, kissing me tenderly. I kissed him back, my heart was filled with so much joy that I thought it would burst!

When we got back to my house, everyone was there to congratulate us. I had a suspicion that they already knew of Jiyongs' plan. In the days following, we prepared for the wedding. We would be having a fall wedding, outside next to the lake. I never realized that planning a wedding would be so stressful! But when the day arrived, my stress melted away.

I walked up the aisle on my father's arm to the man who was my everything, my whole world. My father kissed me on my cheek then placed my hand in Jiyongs', and together we faced the pastor.

We said our vows and then we were pronounced man and wife. Everyone cheered when we kissed, and Jiyong swept me up in his arms and carried me bridal style down the aisle. As we stood at the end and people were congratulating us with hugs and kisses, I knew that we would be ok. As long as we are together, nothing will ever tear us apart!


After the wedding festivities, they went to a small cottage where they would spend the wedding night. Then they would head out to the great unknown, adventuring together and going where they felt like.

Jiyong gazed at Sara, after she fell asleep. "She's so beautiful!" He thought, gently brushing her hair from her face. She moved slightly and smiled in her sleep. Jiyong smiled to himself, he never thought in a million years that she'd choose him. He was so glad she did though, if she hadn't then he definitely would've been broken forever. And even worse, he probably would've broken his promise to her and killed Taeyang.

That would definitely make her hate him! He cringed at the thought, he didn't want to think about his beautiful Sara hating him! After the honeymoon, he would help her transition. But right now, he just wanted to hold her and enjoy being a newly married couple with her.

He smiled and laid down next to her, wrapping his arms around her protectively. Whatever happens, I'll always protect you, no matter what! He thought, as he gently kissed her neck before joining her in sleep.

                  Hey there!! So, here's the last chapter! I will admit, I was fangirling pretty hard while writing this! 😊 I hope you guys enjoy it! Wow, I can't believe it's over! Thanks so much for reading!!!
                 Rachel :)

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