>15< Confession

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I sat on the couch in the living room of Jiyongs' house. Sunmi had told them about what the mayor had said. I could hear them talking to each other. I heard Daesung say that they have to leave, and I heard Jiyong argue against it. He was saying that he couldn't and wouldn't leave without me. I sighed and leaned back into the couch.

"Sara." I heard Jiyong's voice. I turned around to look at him.

"Yes?" I watched as he walked in and sat down next to me.

"If we leave, will you come with us?" He looked into my eyes, silently pleading with me.

I sighed again, "Jiyong, you're asking me to leave my family. I can't do that. I can't just abandon them."

"We wouldn't be gone forever, only until all this blows over. I just want you to be with me." He placed his hand on my cheek. Everything in me wanted to go with him, but I knew I couldn't.

"Jiyong, I'm sorry, but I can't leave." I felt tears starting to form.

"Then I'm staying." He started to get up.

"But Jiyong, your grandma." I grabbed his arm.

"She'll understand. She knows that I can't leave you again." He sat down next to me again, and put his arms around me. "I love you." He whispered, holding me close. I let him hold me while I silently cried, wishing that it wasn't so complicated.

"What's wrong, Sara?" He gently rubbed my back.

"I love you, but I can't be with you." I confessed, my tears falling harder. I felt his arms around me tighten as he pulled me closer.

"Yes you can, of course you can." He stroked my hair.

"No, it's complicated." I sat up and pulled away from him, "I love you but I love someone else too."

"Taeyang." He looked at me. I nodded, I expected him to get mad, like he did in the library. But instead he surprised me by saying, "well, I'll just have to make you love me more." He gently kissed me then. And after giving me a hopeful smile, he got up and walked into the kitchen. I heard him tell the others that he was staying.


Jiyong walked back into the kitchen, where everyone else were still gathered.

"I'm not leaving. I'm staying here." He announced. Everyone stared at him, in shock.

"Jiyong, we know how you feel about Sara, but do you really think that's wise? If they find out about you then they will kill you, they won't show mercy." Seungri stared at him.

"They haven't discovered me yet, as far as they know I'm normal." Jiyong argued.

"But you're not. There's going to be another full moon soon, what then? You were lucky enough to get away last time, but this time you might not be so fortunate." Seungri's stare turned into a glare.

"I can control it now. I can change at will, so it will be easier this time." Jiyong shot back, returning the glare.

"Stop it, this pointless fighting is getting us nowhere. Jiyong made his decision, you must respect that." Sunmi suddenly said, before Seungri could reply.

"Fine, ok. Stay if you want, but I really do hope nothing happens." Seungri shook his head. "is anyone else staying?"

"I will stay with him, you and Daesung can leave if you want. While there's still time." Sunmi placed her hand on Jiyongs' shoulder. Seungri nodded, then walked out of the room. Jiyong watched him leave, he was hoping that Seungri would understand. He really thought he would. Something is going on with him. I wonder what it is. He hoped that whatever it was, he would be ok.


I sat in the living room of Jiyongs' house, wondering what to do. I could hear them in the kitchen, arguing. Jiyong was saying that he wanted to stay while Seungri argued against it. I wasn't even in the same room with them but it felt so awkward. Should I leave? Should I tell Jiyong that I'm leaving? But I don't want to barge in on them. Especially during an argument. I hugged my knees. I had just realized that I forgot my phone. Great. Now I can't call dad for a ride. I started to feel irritated.

"Are you ok?" I heard a voice ask, making me jump. I turned and saw Seungri standing in the doorway, just looking at me.

"I'm fine, I just forgot my phone so I can't call my dad." I wondered why he was staring at me like that.

"Do you need a ride?" He sat down next to me.

"Yes, but I was going to see if I could use the phone to call home." I said.

"I'll take you home." Seungri started to get up.

"No you won't." Jiyong walked in the room suddenly. He went over and took my hand, helping me up. "I'll drive you."

"I can just walk..." I sensed the tension between them.

"No, it's too dangerous for a young girl like you to walk alone at night. I'll drive you." Jiyong said. I could tell that he would not change his mind, so I nodded in agreement. After saying goodbye to Sunmi, we drove towards my house.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Jiyong asked me, after we pulled in front of my house.

"I was a little scared." I confessed, with a half shrug.

"Did you think it was me?" Jiyong was terrified of what my answer would be.

"No, I knew it wasn't." I saw relief flood his face. He smiled at me and gave me a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said, after we broke apart. Jiyong smiled and waved at me. After watching him drive away, I went inside to face my parents.

Hey everyone! This is the last chapter before I go on hiatus for the holidays! I hope you enjoyed it and thanks so much for reading! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Rachel :)
Side note: I might change the picture. Thanks again for reading!

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