>14< Trouble

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When my mother and I got to the hospital, it was all I could do to keep from running up to see Taeyang. Is he ok? Will he want to see me? I wondered, hoping he would. When we got up to his room, he was still laying on the bed, but he was propped up by pillows.

"Taeyang." I ran over to the bed. When he heard me he looked over, I saw happiness flash across his face.

"Sara." He said, as I put my arms around his neck. I felt him pull me close into a tight hug. I was relieved that he was ok, but I felt very confused. It's ok, it will come to me, I don't have to make a decision right away. I thought to myself. I stayed with him until evening, I could tell that he was happy that I was there. But something was troubling him, I didn't know what.

"Sara?" He looked at me.

"Yes?" I got up from the love seat and walked over to the bed.

"I'm sorry about what happened. I just couldn't hold myself back." He gazed at me.

"It's ok." I didn't want him to feel guilty.

"Are we still friends?" He looked concerned.

"Of course we are." I sat on the edge of the bed. "We'll always be friends."

He seemed happy about that. But there was something else I saw in his eyes, I wasn't sure exactly what it was. When it was time for me to go, I promised him that I would be back the next day. I was so happy that Taeyang was awake, and that everything seemed fine with us. 

But when I got home, all my happiness disappeared. My parents were watching TV. And on the local channel, was Mayor Burgess. He was saying that the werewolf was indeed back, and he was looking for volunteers to help find it. Before my parents could notice me, I slipped outside and ran as fast as I could to Jiyongs' house. I banged on the front door, freaking out and worried that they would find him.

"Jiyong! Jiyong!" I cried, banging on the door again. Suddenly, I heard a soft growl behind me. I slowly turned around, and what I saw terrified me. Behind me was a large wolf, glaring and growling, his eyes glowing red. I knew in the back of my mind that it wasn't Jiyong, but I wondered where he was.

Maybe he'll protect me.... but I didn't have time to think anything else, because the wolf leaped at me. I screamed and ran into the woods, with the wolf right behind me. I was running towards a clearing, when suddenly I tripped. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for what was going to happen. Suddenly, I heard a yell, then another wolf jumped on the first one, right before he jumped on me. They were growling and snarling, locked in a terrible fight.

"Sara!" I heard someone yell, I whirled around and saw a man running towards me. But it wasn't Jiyong.

"Who are you? Where's Jiyong? What's happening?" I freaked out and was on the edge of hysterics.

"It's ok, it's ok. No one's going to hurt you, Jiyong is keeping him at bay." He gently pulled me up.

"Who?" I was confused. Just then, I saw Jiyongs' grandmother.

"Come with us, quickly." She said, I had no choice but to follow them. When we got to the house, they pulled me inside and shut and locked the door.

"What's going on?" I looked from the man to Jiyongs' grandmother.

"First I think I should introduce myself." The man said, "my name is Seungri. The wolf who tried to attack you is Daesung. He has trouble controlling himself. Are you hurt?"

"I will take care of her, you must go help Jiyong." The grandmother said, Seungri nodded and ran out. I looked at Jiyongs' grandmother.

"What's your name?" I asked her. She gave me a light smile.

"My name is Sunmi. It is good to finally meet you properly, Sara!" She said warmly. I smiled at her. She was warm and friendly, just like a grandmother should be. She then noticed that I had a cut on my arm from when I fell, so she immediately got to work to cover it. "I think Jiyong has finally learned to control himself." She said, as she worked.

"Really? How?" I wondered if it had something to do with what just happened.

"When he saw that Daesung was about to attack you, he yelled and ran towards you. He leaped and changed into a wolf, and stopped Daesung from hurting you." She said. I nodded, I couldn't believe it. Then I remembered why I had come in the first place.

"Sunmi, the mayor, he knows there's wolves here, he wants to hunt you down. He's getting volunteers right now as we speak." I was scared for their safety.

"Oh no, I was afraid of this." Sunmi replied.

"What should we do? Are you going to leave?" I wondered why I was so upset at the thought.

"Jiyong has already said that he will not go anywhere without you. He loves you more than anything." Sunmi told me gently. I nodded; I was about to say something when suddenly Jiyong came in. I turned around to look at him and the next thing I knew I was in his arms. He was holding me tightly, like he never wanted to let me go. Ever.

When he finally let go of me, he cupped my face in his hands. "Are you ok?" He asked me gently. I nodded, noticing that he looked relieved. He leaned forward and gently kissed my forehead. Just then, I saw someone else come in. I knew that it must be Daesung, so I took a step back, horrified.

"He won't hurt you, Sara. I won't let him near you." Jiyong shot a glare in his direction.

"I'm sorry." Daesung said quietly, looking ashamed and regretful. I gave him a quick nod and then retreated into the living room, wanting to put as much space between us as possible.

                    Hey there! Here's chapter 14! I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for the votes and for reading!
                   Rachel :)

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