>25< Heartbreak

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                      WARNING: Emotional chapter ahead! If you are sensitive or easily moved to tears then I suggest you skip this chapter. Or if you want to find out what happens then read at your own risk......

I watched in horror at the terrible fight that was going on before me, Jiyong was trying to kill Seungri.

"Jiyong!" I cried, heartbroken and scared. I knew that if he killed Seungri then he would never be able to live with himself. He would be regretful and broken, having to live with the knowledge that he had killed his own brother.

I got up to run towards him when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Sunmi.

"Don't! If he hurt you then he would never forgive himself. I must be the one to stop him!" She said. I nodded, I watched as she changed to her wolf form and ran towards the two who were fighting. But she never made it, because suddenly, a gunshot rang through the air. I screamed as I saw it hit her, watching her fall to the ground.

"Sunmi!!!" I screamed, running towards her. She had changed back to her human form, and I stared in terror at the gaping wound in her chest.

"I got it! I killed the werewolf!!!" I heard someone yell. I looked up and saw a man from town, he was brandishing his gun proudly, waving it around. I started sobbing, staring at Sunmi not wanting to believe what happened. The man started to come towards us, when suddenly, there was a loud menacing roar.

The man screamed as Jiyong bounded towards him, I was terrified at what he would do next. But he stopped when the man ran away. He turned and ran back to Sunmi and me.

"Grandma!!!" He cried, gently taking her in his arms. "Grandma, wake up!" He was like a helpless little boy, begging for his grandma not to leave him.

"Jiyong, Jiyong, I'm sorry!" Seungri cried, starting towards us.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Jiyong screamed, starting to lunge at him.

"Jiyong!" I yelled, I grabbed on to him and refused to let go. He immediately collapsed in my arms, sobbing. I motioned to Seungri to leave. He looked miserable but he ran back in the direction of Taeyangs' house.

I turned my attention back to Jiyong, I didn't know what to do. His heart wrenching sobs were almost too much for me to take. I wished more then anything that I could take his pain away, but I knew I couldn't. The only thing I could do was hold him, as he cried in my arms until he had no more tears left.

It started to rain, I tried to convince Jiyong that we had to go back but he didn't want to leave Sunmi. I took my coat off and put it over him, so he wouldn't get wet. Just then, I saw headlights flash, and a car suddenly screeched to a stop. I saw Daesung jump out and run towards us, panic and heartbreak written all over his face.

He knelt next to Sunmi and started crying, when Jiyong heard him it seemed to wake him up. He put his arms around him and they mourned together.

"Sara!" I heard Sunny say, I felt someone gently put their coat over me and then help me up. I realized that it was Seunghyun.

"We need to go!" He whispered, putting his other arm around Sunny.

"I can't leave Jiyong!" I said, I felt like I was in a daze. I didn't want him to hurt!

"Sara, let them mourn together. They need to be alone!" He said gently, leading me back to the car. I followed, I didn't know what else to do!

It was a long, sad drive back, none of us felt like talking. We all knew the impact that this would make. The one person who had encouraged and supported and loved them for all those years, and possibly the one who kept them together, was gone.

I heard a small sob come from the back seat, I knew that Sunny was afraid of Daesung leaving. I didn't realize that she had developed feelings for him, especially in such a short time. I watched the sun rise, I was afraid of Jiyong leaving. And, even more, I was afraid of him doing something rash. I knew that he and Sunmi were close, and that she had loved him like her own son. I sighed, never in a million years did I imagine this happening!

When we pulled up to Taeyangs' house, we saw Seungri standing on the front step. My heart broke for him, he looked so alone, and so sad! Sunny stopped and gave him a hug before going inside. I saw him fight back tears, but he remained strong.

"Are they burying her?" He asked hoarsely, I knew that he had been crying.

"Yes." Seunghyun said, "they'll be back when it's done."

"I should probably go then." Seungri replied, half-heartedly.

"You don't have to!" I said, looking up at him.

"You know I do! Jiyong will kill me if he sees me." He said, fighting back tears again.

"Let me talk to him, maybe I can get him to listen to you!" I tried. Seungri looked at me for a long time, then, after a while, he nodded. I walked up to him and gave him a hug, he held me close for a minute, then let go.

When I went inside I saw Taeyang, he was looking at me, like he already knew what I had decided the night before. I have to tell him, it's only fair. I thought, knowing that it would be hard.

"Can we talk?" He asked me, when I walked up to him. I nodded, and then followed him into the living room.

"I'm sorry about what happened." He said, when we both sat down. I nodded and smiled sadly.

"You chose him, didn't you?" He asked quietly. I nodded again.

"Yes." I said softly. I was afraid to look at him, I didn't want to see him hurt!

"When?" He asked, his voice breaking slightly.

"A while ago." I said, finally looking up at him. "Taeyang, I'm sorry! But I won't leave him! I can't!" I took his hand, wanting him to understand.

"Does it have anything to do with what just happened?" He asked me, I quickly shook my head.

"No, my mind was made up before, after I got hurt." I told him, he nodded. "Are you ok?"

"I'll be fine." He said, getting up. I watched as he walked out, after he was gone, my mom came in. I knew she heard everything.

"Did I make the right choice?" I asked her, as she sat down next to me.

"What does your heart say?" She asked, I gave her a look. "No, seriously! What does your heart say?" She asked again. I sighed.

"That it belongs to Jiyong." I said softly. She smiled at me and gave me a hug, I hugged her back tightly. Deep down inside, I knew that it was true.

                   Hey everyone! I hope this chapter wasn't too sad for y'all! I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading and for the votes! The support means a lot to me!
                   Rachel :)

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