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Jiyong sat on his bed, staring at his phone. Will Sara text me back? He wondered, staring harder at the device in front of him, as if it would make it vibrate and light up with a text notification. He thought about Sara, about her reaction at seeing him again. He remembered the look in her eyes. The way it changed from shock at seeing him to happiness that he was back. But then it changed again, to fear. He hated that, he hated that he had made her afraid of him.

He would do anything to make things go back to the way they were, before that horrible night. Why hadn't he listened to his grandmother and locked himself away? Before the moon came out? Then he could have kept it a secret. But he knew that that wouldn't have worked, she would've found out anyway. He thought about the times he had with her, I want to be with her, always. Forever. He knew it wasn't possible though. Instead of hiding his secret he made the one he loved most fear him and hate him.

There was a soft knock on the door, then his grandmother peeked her head in. "Are you going to school?" She asked.

"I don't know yet." Jiyong glanced at his phone yet again. His grandmother nodded, then quietly shut the door behind her. Only she knew what he had been going through the past two years, the guilt that tormented him, and the sorrow he felt at losing Sara. Jiyong sighed. She's not going to respond. He thought sadly.

He laid back on his bed, wanting to sleep for the rest of his life, and forget everything. Then his phone lit up and vibrated, making him jump. He sat up and grabbed it. Opening the text, he saw that it was from Sara.

(S): I'll be there

He wanted to scream and jump for joy, but it quickly died when he remembered one thing: Taeyang. Sara's best friend, the guy that made him jealous out of his mind whenever he saw her smile at him, talk to him, or do anything with him. Last night was no exception, especially with the way he looked at her. He was in love with her, had he always been? Or had he just not noticed before? Either way, I'm going to win her back. Even if it means I have to take care of Taeyang. Jiyong thought, as he got ready for school. Guess I'm going after all.


When Taeyang and I got to the school, we were instantly surrounded by our school mates, all congratulating Taeyang on the win of the previous night. I flashed Taeyang an amused grin then made my way to the front door. When I went inside, I saw my friend Sunny waiting for me. 

"Hi." She said cheerfully, as I walked up to her.

"Hey Sunny." I smiled at her. We made our way to our lockers, talking about the game. "You should've came and sat with me." I teased her, making her chuckle.

"I know, my brother insisted that I sit with his girlfriend." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, ok, if that's your best excuse." I teased her.

"Oh, hey now." She playfully hit me on the arm, making me laugh more. Sunny always had a way to make me feel better, erasing my anxiety. 

"See you later, Bunny." She called, as she made her way to her classroom.

"Ok, Sunshine." I called back, chuckling to myself, those were our pet names we had always used for each other. They would always make Taeyang cringe, so we would do it more just to annoy him. Then we had come up with a pet name for Taeyang. Baby. Whenever we called him that he would blush and then quickly cover it up with a glare. I giggled at the thought of that. Just then, I heard Edward yell, "hey Jiyong! Long time no see. Where have you been, man?"

I didn't even have to turn around to know that his eyes were on me. Just because I said I'd meet you doesn't mean that I'll hang with you today. I gave him a look before starting to walk away. "Sara!" He called.

Shoot. I slowly turned around. But before he could say anything, the bell rang. I gave him a faked apologetic look and ran off to my classroom. As the day wore on, I kept avoiding Jiyong. I would wait inside my classroom, then, just before the bell rang, I'd make a run for my next class.

During lunch, I camped out in the library with Sunny, using the excuse that I had to study for an exam. When the school day was finally over, I felt like I could breath again. Time to go home. I gathered my things. But then I remembered Jiyongs' text, and my response. Oh great, I knew I'd regret this. I thought, dismayed. I quickly caught Sunny before leaving, and asked, "if Taeyang asks, can you please tell him that my dad picked me up?"

"Of course." Sunny gave me a smile. "See you later." After thanking her, I made my way to the park. My curiosity starting up again, what did he have to tell me? What was so important? I guess I'll find out. I thought, as I sat down under the giant oak to wait for him. It was either going to be good, or bad.

Here's chapter five! I'm sorry if it seemed to be all over the place, I was sick when I wrote this, and it was also written at like, 1 am! 😂 But I hope you enjoy it and thanks so much for reading!
Rachel :)

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