≥6≤ Second Chances

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                     I had waited for what felt like an hour. Where the heck is he? I wondered. Oh no, is it going to be a full moon tonight? I suddenly panicked, not wanting to witness that again. I pulled out my phone to text Taeyang, to ask him to come and get me. Suddenly, I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. I jumped and whirled around, ready do deck whoever it was who just touched me.

                      "It's ok, it's me." Jiyong looked amused.

                      "Is that good or bad?" I stepped back slightly. 

                       He looked sad, then replied, "it depends on what you decide."

                       "Ok...." I stared at him. Then I asked, "what do you need to talk to me about?"

                        "Something that I've been feeling ever since I met you....I love you." He said, shocking me.

                        "Wait, what? For how long?" I stared at him in disbelief. Then I quickly added, "it won't work. I can't have a boyfriend who goes on crazy, murderous rampages every time the moon is full." I started pacing back and forth, freaking out.

                         "Sara, after that night I started locking myself away. I've been doing that ever since." Jiyong put his hands on my shoulders, "and I will keep doing it until I can find a way to control it."

                        "But that's no way to live." I looked at him. I noticed that he looked sad, and kind of desperate too. That kind of life had to be lonely, unless there were other werewolves somewhere that no one knew about.

                         "I have no choice, I don't want to hurt anyone else." He said, then added, "also, there's something else you need to know."

                           "What?" I asked timidly, trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever else he'll shock me with.

                            "I have imprinted on you." He looked slightly apologetic. What else I couldn't figure out, he was hiding it so well. I, on the other hand, started to freak out all over again.

                            "What? What does that mean?" I cried, staring at him. Whatever it meant, I wanted to run away fast.

                           "That you are now mine, and we are destined to be together forever." He looked me dead in the eyes. I could tell that he meant it, and I was terrified. "But I will only honor it if you want me to. Although personally, I just want to take you away right now, but I love you too much to hurt you." He quickly added, noting what I was feeling.

                            "What exactly does this mean?" I asked him, almost too afraid to hear the answer.

                            "It means that you come away with me, so we can be together forever. But it also means that you leave your life here behind, and in order to do that, you become a wolf like me." He never broke eye contact. That's what I thought he meant, I had no idea what to do.

                           "Is it painful to become a wolf?" I asked. He nodded. 

                             After thinking about it, I crossed my arms. "I will give you a second chance at being my friend. But I am not going anywhere with you." I looked him dead in the eyes as I said that last part. I wanted him to know that I meant it. 

                             "Ok." He said softly, at first he looked dismayed. But then, after thinking for a minute, he suddenly asked, "does that have anything to do with Taeyang? Are you with him?" 

That shocked me, and what scared me was the hint of jealousy I heard in his voice. It's true that Taeyang and I were very close, but I didn't think anyone thought that way about us.

                               "Taeyang has nothing to do with it." I replied, curtly, "and as for being with him, that's none of your business. Just be happy that I'm giving you a chance at all!"

                                I could tell that he was thinking again, then he smiled, "ok, you're right. I'll stick around. Who knows, you might just change your mind. I'll see you later!" 

I nodded and watched as he walked away, trying to process what he had just told me. I guess there was no doubt now that I had to tell Taeyang. I definitely couldn't hide this from him. Imprinted or not, I'm never going with him. I will never become a wolf. I thought, watching as he disappeared around the corner.

                                 I love you too much to hurt you. His words echoed in my mind, I could only hope he meant it. The thought of running away with him and becoming a wolf terrified me. But what terrified me more was that deep down, I was still very much in love with him. And a part of me, somewhere, wanted to go with him. I quickly shook off those thoughts and headed home, I was very hesitant to tell Taeyang, knowing that he would go all overprotective on me. I guess I have to tell him, even if he is going to freak out. I thought. How I was going to, I had no idea.


                                 As Jiyong walked home, he thought about Sara's reaction. She seemed very surprised, but what surprised him was how she reacted when he asked if she was with Taeyang. She seemed shocked, but a part of her seemed pleased that he would think that. He quickly shook those thoughts away. She was giving him a second chance, and he was going to use it. No matter what happens, she has to be mine. He thought, as he reached his house.

                                 As he entered, his grandmother looked up from the table where she was sitting. "Well? What did she say?" She asked him.

                                 "She is going to give me a second chance, but she made it clear that she's not going anywhere with me." He looked sad.

                                  "You must remember that you can't force her, it has to be her decision." She  knew what Jiyong was thinking.

                                   "I know." He gave her a smile and then went into his room. Either way, he thought, I'm going to make her change her mind. I have to try.

          Hey there everyone! This chapter is a bit longer, sorry! I just had a lot of stuff to add and a lot of inspiration! Thanks so much as always for reading!
                 Rachel :)

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