>21< Protector

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When we were alone outside, I waited for him to start talking. I could tell that something was wrong, I just didn't know what.

"You love him, don't you? Jiyong. That's why you got grounded, because you ran off to see him without saying anything." He looked at me. There was hurt in his voice and sadness in his eyes. I felt terrible, I didn't want him to be hurt.

"It's complicated." I started to get choked up.

"Sara, please talk to me. Please. You know you can talk to me about anything." Taeyang reached for my hand. I thought for a long time. Keep hiding it from him? Or tell him everything? I knew that hiding it from him was just hurting him, and I didn't want that.

So I told him everything, my feelings for him, my feelings for Jiyong, and Bonded's Calling. It felt good to finally let everything out, to finally tell him all of it. And when I was done, I felt like a huge weight was gone. I could tell that Taeyang was processing everything I told him.

"So you do love me after all." He said, after a while. I nodded, suddenly feeling very shy. Taeyang smiled at me. "You should choose me then." 

"Taeyang, I can't!" I cried, stepping away from him and trying not to cry.

"Yes you can. Who cares if he imprinted on you, it's your life and you can do whatever you want. You can choose whoever you want." He put his arms around me and pulled me close.

"There's a reason I can't. Professor Choi told Sunny and I that if I choose you then Jiyong will fight you, and he'll kill you and then I'll have to be with him." I whispered.

"But if I win, then you have to be with me." I could tell what he was thinking.

"Taeyang, no. Don't even think about it! He's so strong." I had to convince him not to.

"Sara, I don't want to think about you going with him. You belong with me." He placed his hand on my neck.

"But what if I choose him?" I looked up at him.

"I won't ever stop fighting for you." He took my hand and placed it on his chest. "My heart belongs to you no matter what."

"Taeyang, I don't want you to get hurt. If I choose him then you have to promise me that you won't fight him. Please." I looked into his eyes.

"I will promise you, if that's what you want. But I will never stop protecting you. And I will never stop loving you, Sara." He suddenly kissed me. 

It was soft and tender, and after he held me close. I leaned my head against his chest, wishing that there was some way I could make him happy.

I loved Taeyang, more than anything. But I couldn't help but wonder how much of it was infatuation, and how much was genuine. I did genuinely love him, but I didn't know if it was like a brother or not.

I sighed, I didn't know what to think anymore. I just wanted a chance to figure things out and sort out my feelings.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt but I would like to talk to Sara." We heard Seunghyun say. Taeyang nodded, he gently kissed me on the cheek and then went inside.

"Are you ok?" He sat down at the picnic table. "You seem upset."

"Yes, I'm fine. I just need to sort things out." I sat next to him. "The mayor is scary and deranged." 

Seunghyun chuckled. "Yeah, he's pretty bad. He thinks that this whole thing will make people vote for him for a second term." I rolled my eyes.

"I can't help but feel that it is more personal than that." I looked towards the house, wondering about Taeyang. I hoped he wasn't hurt.

"What are you feeling?" Seunghyun looked at me. Why was he so observant?

"I don't know, I know I love Jiyong and I know I love Taeyang. But I feel like my love for Taeyang isn't what he wants it to be!" I felt frustrated. I leaned my head against my hands, wishing that it didn't have to be this way.

"Are you afraid of hurting him?" Seunghyun asked me gently.

"Yes." I tried not to cry. "Ever since I remember Taeyang has always been there. When Jiyong first came here, he told me that it wasn't a good idea, that I should stay away from him. But I didn't listen because he fascinated me, I wanted to get to know him. I didn't know he was a werewolf."

"I understand. It's hard, especially when you don't want to hurt someone close to you. But if Taeyang truly loves you, then he'll support you no matter what. He'll want to see you happy." Seunghyun gave me a gentle hug.

"Thank you!" I whispered; I wished that I had known him sooner. He was very kind and gentle, and also supportive. He seemed like good brother material. That thought made me chuckle slightly. It would have been great to have a big brother, especially if it was Seunghyun.

"Seunghyun? What made you so interested in werewolves?" I looked at him.

Seunghyun sighed, "it's not a pleasant story, Sara."

"I can handle it." I said, "we all need someone to talk to!"

Seunghyun smiled when he heard this, "ok. I will tell you. I think you'll understand. I had a younger brother once, we were very close. We lived in a rural town, in the middle of nowhere, Kansas. Then one day a strange man came to our town, he seemed friendly at first. But then things got weird, he seemed to single my brother out of everyone else. It made me uncomfortable."

He looked sad, but he still continued, "my brother didn't seem to suspect anything, and he always tried to find the good in everyone. But one night, there was a full moon. That man turned out to be a werewolf, he could control himself, but of course his calling was to wreak chaos and kill as many humans as he could. My brother and I tried to save as many people as we could, but I saw him attack my brother. I had my gun and I shot and killed him. But my brother didn't make it."

"Seunghyun, I'm so sorry!" I put my arm around his shoulders. I could tell that it still affected him.

He gave me a light smile, "it's ok. It doesn't hurt as bad as it used to. When my father and I went to get his body, he was gone. My mother took it very hard, a year later she died. My father and I were left alone. Mystical things like this has always fascinated me ever since I was a boy, but when this happened, I learned as much as I could. I went on to college and became a professor of History and English. The folklore has always been a side project. Most people think I'm crazy because of it."

"I don't think you're crazy. I think you're very brave and strong." It was true. He still chose to go on even after his world was torn down. I didn't know if I could ever be that strong.

"Sara? Sara! Jiyong is here! Come in here before I shoot him! He's driving me crazy!" We suddenly heard Sunny shout from the house, she sounded extremely annoyed.

I giggled at Sunny's exasperated tone, "I think I'd better go in! Are you going to be ok?"

"Yes, I'll be fine. I'll join you in a minute." He gave me a reassuring smile. I returned it and then went to see Jiyong. 

                     Hey everybody! This chapter is a lot longer then usual, I felt like Seunghyun's backstory had to be revealed. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks so much for the votes and the reads! I really do appreciate the support!
                     Rachel :)               

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