>16< Awake

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I was laying in my bed, bummed out because my parents had grounded me. They wouldn't even let me go see Taeyang after school. Even after I begged and begged some more. I even tried bargaining, but that didn't go over well. I groaned into my pillow. They were very annoyed and mad that I had just left like that without saying anything. I understood, I really did. But when I saw that announcement on TV I freaked out. I was worried about Jiyong and his grandmothers' safety. I rolled over and went to sleep, hoping that tomorrow would be a better day.

I woke up to rain. Pouring rain. Great. Looks like I have to walk in this. I showered and trudged downstairs, the gloomy weather matching my mood. 

"Good morning, Sara." My mom said, with a smile.

"Morning." I mumbled, sitting at the table. My mom could tell that I wasn't in the best of moods.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"I want to see Taeyang after school but I can't because I'm grounded. Can I please see him if I promise to text you before and after I leave?" I looked up at her from where I was sitting.

"Sara, it's not just the grounding. That werewolf is back. It attacked Taeyang and I don't want you getting attacked either." She said, then added, "you were lucky enough to escape last time but what if you can't this time?"

"I can defend myself. But if you're that worried then why can't someone drive me? It's not like the werewolf will jump in through the hospital window or something." I looked down at my cereal.

"Can they?" Mom looked worried. I giggled and shook my head no. After a while, she said, "ok, I will drive you. But you can only be there for one hour, that is it. Then you come straight home."

"Thank you." I gave her a hug. After arriving at school, I looked around for Jiyong or Sunny. Neither of them was nowhere to be found. I sighed. School was going to be so boring today. Nothing really eventful happened, except that Edward accidentally blew up Stella's backpack in chemistry. I thought she was going to strangle him.

By the end of the day, the whole school knew about it. I chuckled, Taeyang is going to love this. I thought, as I waited outside the school for my mom to come. I waved to her as she drove up. I told her about my day as we drove to the hospital, she chuckled when I told her about what happened in chemistry.

When she dropped me off, she said, "remember, one hour. Then come straight home." I nodded to show that I understood, then went inside. When I walked through the door, I noticed a couple of policemen.

"What's going on?" I asked the nurse at the front desk.

"The mayor wanted them stationed here because of the werewolf situation. Apparently our security isn't good enough." She was clearly annoyed. I nodded, and after checking in I went upstairs to see Taeyang.

"Sara." He said, as soon as I walked through the door.

"Hey Taeyang. How are you?" I gave him a hug.

"Eh, been better." He gave me a smile. I snickered, then told him about what happened in chemistry. "Oh my gosh, don't make me laugh Sara! It hurts to!" He managed, gasping for breath.

"I'm sorry!" I tried to control my own laughter.

"How did that even happen?" Taeyang asked, when he had his breath back.

"I don't know. I was just focusing on my work and then boom! Stella's backpack was up in flames." I was still giggling at the image. Taeyang smiled at me, then suddenly, he grabbed my hand.

"I missed you." He whispered, I smiled at him.

"I missed you too." I gave his hand a light squeeze. It was true, I missed him being around, driving me to school every morning. Gosh, I missed him a lot.

After a minute, he asked me, "how long can you stay today?"

"I'm grounded so only an hour." I crossed my arms, annoyed.

"How'd you get grounded? What happened?" He asked me. Great, what the heck am I supposed to tell him? I wondered, not sure if I should tell him the truth.

"Oh, I just went somewhere without telling my parents. And I forgot my phone so I couldn't call." I hoped he wouldn't ask anything else.

"Oh." He then changed the subject. "I get to go home next week." 

"Taeyang, that's awesome." I gave him a smile. He returned it.

"I can't wait to get out of here, the food is disgusting." His comment made me laugh again. "What?" He grinned at me.

"Nothing." I couldn't seem to stop giggling. He just smiled at me. 

When it was time for me to go, I gave him a hug and told him that I would try to come back the next day. He nodded at me, letting me know that he understood if I couldn't. 

When I went outside, it was pouring again. Oh great. I pulled my hood up. I hadn't gone more than two steps when I heard a car beep behind me. I turned around and saw Jiyongs' car. I smiled and ran over to it. But I was surprised to see Seungri in the driver's seat.

"Get in, I'll give you a ride." He gestured to the passenger's side.

I hesitated, "where's Jiyong?" 

"He'll be back. He asked me to take care of you while he's gone." Seungri replied. But where'd he go? He told me he wasn't leaving. I climbed into the car.

"Where is Jiyong? He said he wasn't leaving." I looked at Seungri.

"Daesung had another issue, so he took him deep into the woods so he wouldn't hurt anyone." He explained, then when he saw my face fall, he said, "don't worry. He'll be back soon. When Daesung has a fit like this it usually doesn't last long."

"Ok." I said, then asked, "so what's your story Seungri?"

"There's really nothing to tell. I was born this way." He said. I nodded, we talked a little bit about other things. And when we got to my house, I thanked him for the ride. He smiled at me, "anytime." 

As he drove away, I wondered why Jiyong didn't say anything to me. I shrugged as I walked into the house. I hope he comes back soon. 

Hey everyone! My hiatus is officially over! I hope you guys had a great holiday season! Also, I'm going back to updating this story on Saturdays again. I hope you liked this chapter and thanks so much for reading!!
Rachel :)

Side note: the picture and the chapter title is possibly subject to change.

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