>13< Secrets Of The Heart

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I stayed with Taeyang until my mom came to pick me up for school. She seemed surprised to see Jiyong but offered him a ride. He politely refused, saying that he drove himself.

"I'll see you later, Sara." He said, as we went our separate ways.

"Yeah, see you." I waved at him. Just then I noticed my mother looking at me with a funny expression. "What?" I asked.

"I didn't know he was back. He seems to like you a lot." She gave me a grin.

"Mom, please!" I responded, "it's not like that."

"Well, at the rate you two are going it very well might be." She chuckled, as we got into the car.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I suddenly felt very embarrassed suddenly.

"Well, it's just that he obviously likes you, loves you even. And you like him, and it seems that you are on your way to falling in love with him." She said, with a little smile.

"Mom, it's really not like that." I tried to cover, but it ended up sounding really lame.

"Isn't it?" She gave me a knowing smile. I kept quiet after that, I didn't want her to discover anything else just yet. We stopped at home for a few minutes so I could grab my backpack and change. Then she dropped me off at school.

"Sara! Sara!" I heard Sunny calling, as soon as I got out of the car. I waved to mom and walked over to her.

"Hey Sunny. What's up?" I asked, after giving her a hug.

"It's about time you got here." She teased. I playfully wacked her arm, making her laugh. "So, I asked my dad about this Professor Choi. He told me that he works at the local University, and he might be able to set us up with a meeting."

"Wow, that was quick." I was surprised.

"Yeah, I was surprised that he even works around here." Sunny nodded. 

Just then, I saw Jiyong walk in. Before he could notice me, I pulled Sunny into another hallway and told her about the night before at the hospital.

"He actually showed up at the hospital? Wow! He must really like you." She seemed a bit concerned.

I nodded, "yeah, he was really sweet and supportive." I watched him as he talked to Edward.

"Sara? Are you getting feelings for him? I know you had them before but are you getting them again?" Sunny asked me.

"I don't know...." I glanced at Jiyong again.

"Sara, be honest." Sunny pulled me away from the doorway and out of sight of Jiyong.

"Ok, maybe I do....." I started, then stopped. That was the first time I had actually said it out loud to someone. I quickly looked around, half expecting Jiyong to come running to carry me off. He seemed to be able to sense whatever I felt.

"Ok, so what does that mean for Jiyong? I mean, do you leave with him? Do you both stay here?" Sunny sounded concerned again.

"Sunny, I never said I was choosing to be with him, I'm still trying to figure things out." I was starting to get a little panicky. I didn't know why. Sunny nodded, and told me that she would support me in whatever decision I made. I gave her a thankful look. When I was walking to my first class, Jiyong ran up to walk with me.

"Hey. How are you?" He walked next to me.

"I don't know, there's a lot on my mind." I told him honestly.

"Anything I can help you with?" He reached for my hand.

"Thank you. But it's something I have to work out on my own." I hoped he wouldn't ask for details.

"Ok. Let me know if you need anything." He said, before we parted ways. 

I watched him walk away, I was starting to notice things about him that I hadn't before. Like his caring and sweet nature, how he always wanted to help. The way he protected his loved ones. I knew that I had strong feelings for him, so what was holding me back? Taeyang, I realized. I felt like choosing Jiyong would be betraying Taeyang somehow. Maybe it was because I'd known him for such a long time, but I felt my heart calling for Jiyong. I didn't know what to do, I felt so conflicted.

Then it struck me. I could tell Mom, she seems to suspect something. I mean, she's going to figure it out sooner or later. Maybe she can help me.  I decided to tell my mom all about it, about my growing feelings for Jiyong, and the feelings for Taeyang that I didn't even know I had.

After school, I started to walk home. Suddenly I heard a car beep lightly behind me. I turned and saw Jiyong, he waved at me while he pulled the car to a stop next to me.

"Want a ride?" He asked me.

"Thanks." I gave him a smile.

"Of course." He said. 

After dropping me off, I waved goodbye then ran inside. Thankfully, my mom was home. "Mom? Can we talk?" I asked her.

"Of course. What's wrong?" She asked, when we were seated on the couch. I told her all about my feelings for Jiyong, and the ones for Taeyang that had just revealed themselves. My mother listened quietly, then, when I was done, she spoke. "Well, of course you must choose the one who makes you happy. But who is your heart calling?"

"I don't know. My feelings for Jiyong have been coming very gradually, and I didn't know I even had feelings for Taeyang until today. I don't know what to do. I'm just feeling really conflicted." I felt torn between the two.

"Then maybe you shouldn't make a choice right now, just wait and see what happens." My mom gave me a smile. After thinking about it, I returned it. I knew she'd be able to help me!

"Thanks Mom." I gave her a hug.

"Anytime, sweetie." She gave me a kiss. 

Just then, the phone rang. She answered and after talking for a minute, she hung up and turned me, "that was Taeyang's mother, he's awake." I nodded. It's going to be ok. I thought, as we drove to the hospital.

Hey everyone! Here's the next chapter!! I hope you guys like it! Thanks so much for reading and for the votes!
Rachel :)

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