≥3≤ He's Back

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When we got to the party, Taeyang's whole team was there. I smiled and said hi as I followed him through the huge house and out to the back near the pool. "This place is huge, Taeyang." I  looked around.

"I know, coach is pretty well off. I think coaching us is one of his hobbies." Taeyang handed me a cup of cola.

I smiled at him as I took it, "wow." 

He just chuckled at me. The party was pretty fun, Taeyang and his teammates were all friends and I liked how they all got along so well. I was out near the pool again talking to one of the players and his girlfriend when something in the shadows caught my eye.vI excused myself and went to go check it out. As I got closer I heard the bushes move once more. 

"Taeyang, if you scare me again I swear to goodness I will punch you." I put my hands on my hips. There was no more movement, or noise. I raised my eyebrows and walked to the other side of the bushes.

"Sara." I heard a whisper, making me nearly jump out of my skin. I whirled around and was face to face with Jiyong. I opened my mouth to let out a scream, but he quickly covered it with his hand. "Please don't scream," he whispered, then asked quietly, "do you still hate me?" I just stared at him, dumbfounded.

Do I still hate him? Of course I do, of course I don't. There was a million and one emotions running through me. Anger, sadness, love, hate, distrust, fear. 

I pushed his hand away, "why are you here? Are you stalking me? You were at the football field too." He looked at me sadly, noting the hint of distrust in my voice.

"I'm sorry, for everything." He whispered, looking down. I stared at him, starting to feel angry.

"Sorry doesn't answer my question. And it definitely doesn't fix what you've done to this town, or to me." I was angry, "why are you even here?"

"Because I miss you. You were the only friend I had, someone I could actually talk to." He sounded desperate. 

I just stared at him, crossing my arms. "I have to go back to my party before I'm missed." That came out way more sharply than I intended, but maybe it was a good thing.

"Sara, wait!" He cried, still sounding desperate. I just walked away without looking back.

I was in no mood to deal with him, so I walked back to the mansion to look for Taeyang. I finally found him in one of the living areas. "Hey."

"Hi, where have you been?" He asked me, with a smile.

"Oh, I was just outside." I hoped that he wouldn't pick up on how I was feeling.

"Ok." He said. I didn't think he picked up on anything, although he could read me like a book sometimes. So I smiled at him again and retreated to go get a snack of some sort.

When I found the snack table, I was putting food on a plate. I suddenly noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and was shocked to see Jiyong, standing near the entrance leading out to the pool. He was wearing a black hoodie, dark blue jeans, and had the hood up over his head. He was watching my every move, and I was suddenly very nervous and uneasy.

How did he get in? Did someone think he was a random kid who had been at the game, and was just late? I tried to ignore him as I went to look for Taeyang, but I felt his eyes following me everywhere. 

When I finally found Taeyang again, I said to him, "I'm not feeling well. Can you drive me home?"

"Of course." He looked concerned. 

I smiled at him thankfully and followed him out to his truck. When we reached my house, I gave him a hug and thanked him for the ride. He smiled at me, "of course, anytime. Text me tomorrow and let me know how you're feeling."

I promised him that I would, then went inside. My father had already gone to bed, but my mother was up waiting for me as usual.

"Hi honey. How was the game?" She asked, pleasantly.

"It was great, Taeyang's team won." I hid my anxiety.

"Oh good. Can't say I'm surprised though, that is an all star team. How was the party?" She set her book down.

"It was ok. But I'm tired so I think I'll head to bed." I gave her another smile.

"Ok honey. Sleep tight." She kissed me on the cheek. 

After saying goodnight I went up to my room. I was so jumpy and uneasy, I was terrified that I would look out and see Jiyong standing in the yard, staring up at my bedroom window like a creepy stalker.

I peeked out my window just to make sure he wasn't there. I saw something move and jumped out of sight, sure that it was him. It turned out to be just my overactive imagination, made even more so by my anxiety. I sighed and quickly shut the blinds and the curtains on both my windows. I was acting paranoid, but I'd much rather be safe then sorry! I hoped a good night's sleep would help and that everything would be better in the morning.

Hey there, beautiful people! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also, I have decided that I will be updating once a week every Saturday. Thank you for reading!
Rachel :)

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