Part 8

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Randhir came back home in a disturbed manner and directly went towards his room...

He closed the door off his room and sat down on the bed...closing his eyes...

It hpnd since the time when he saw her ear ring which fell from his pocket on the floor in the bar...

Vids was all set to hv an hot and steamy make out with him...when he pushed her aside and grabbed that ear ring.....

His changed demeanour came as an offend towards vids. ...but he managed the situation by saying... That "I am not feeling well so I hv to go!!"...

& before the reply could cm from her side....he left the place holding the ear ring tightly...

Randhir was not amongst those guy who will hover upon simple girls...his taste was always hot and sexy towards girls...but don't know y but this girl was something different to him....

Her eyes were something which spoke a lot of things in silence....her hazel orbs, her hair locks, her cute plumpy lips, her pointed nose...her entire appearance was something which randhir wanted to see again...

(Randhir's POV)

Don't know y but that girl has done some kind of magic in me?

Y am I feeling like this way for her?? I know I am not of her type...and moreover she was a blind girl...

But this ear ring?? No, I hv to return it to her as soon as possible... Otherwise it will eat my head...& I don't want any type of complication in my life...

Therefore I hv to find out that girl any hook or by crook!!

(Randhir's POV ends)

Thank u

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