Part 15

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Days rolled on thus Randhir started visiting that orphanage every Sunday...
O how could he miss a single glance of his beloved...

On the other hand Sanyukta was really hpy hvng Randhir as a Frnd by her side...though she was unaware of his feelings...

She felt herself fortunate for the first in her scl days & clg days she didn't get any Frnd...everyone used to make fun of her bcz of her blindness...

Not only them but her own family members were unhappy bcz of her...
& here this boy just came like an her life...!!
Don't know y but her lil heart always wished that he remains by her side...

It was another Sunday...when Randhir came early in the orphanage...
It was he who always used to be a bit late...but today he thought of surprising 'her' again...

His crazy heart always used to flutter like some teen ....when he used to see her smiling...
That innocent smile of her always used to boost him up...and he used to spend the rest of the week...recalling her smile...

Sanyukta always used to visit the orphanage... Sharply at 5pm...
But today something was different...
The clock was striking 5...but she was not seen anywhere...!!

Randhir sat on a bench...asking the other play...!!
"It's already 5!! Won't she cm today??"... His heart mumbled...
"How can I contact her?? I don't hv her phn no. Also!!"...his mind mumbled...

Just kid screamed..." Didi has arrived... Yayyyy!!"...
Randhir who was drowned in his assumption... Turned his face towards the right only to see...Sanyukta standing in front of him...but at a lil distance...

Hee face contained that serene which he felt a lil relief...
But soon his brows turned into a frown...when he saw a band aid over her forehead... Those hair locks failed to hide that thing from his eyes...

He quickly went towards her...and put his palm over that...
"How did this hpn??"... He asked getting worried...
" randhir? "...she asked...feeling his touch...

" yes!! Sanyukta how did this hpn?? Kaka u tell me at least!! "...randhir requested looking at kaka...
" actually son..."...kaka was about to speak when sanyu interrupted... "Nothing randhir it's just that I got slipped out from the my home!!"...said sanyu...

" let's go...I know u all hv waited for me since a very long time...but now I won't keep u waiting... Come on let's complete the story which I left incomplete on the previous sunday !!"...said sanyu and the kids  jumped in excitement...

She was about to go with them...when randhir held her hand...
"Kids u go & sit on the playground... Kaka u plz accompany & sanyu r cmng there after 5mins!!"....said randhir...

" Randhir what r u doing?? I am already late...plz let's go !!"...said sanyu...
But randhir being adamant didn't listen to her...and actioned kaka to take the kids with which kaka nodded & did the same...

They went away...and randhir took Sanyu with him...and made her sit on a particular bench ignoring her cringes...
"Tell me the truth?? What has hpnd?? U hv swear on me??"... He warned...

" Randhir what kind of demand is this? I said Na nothing has hpnd...beleive me!!"...said sanyu
" ok Then swear on me!!"...he spatted..

"Randhir plz understand!!"... Sanyu was about to speak further... When randhir said..." I am your Frnd right?? Then y can't u share your problem with me?? Tell me!!"

Sanyu sighed & said..."Randhir some problems r not meant to be share...frnds do often understand our problem... But according to me u should be independent....
I may be friendly, humourous...but atlast the fact is I am blind!! And this is the harsh reality of my life...
Many people will cm and go I my life...and the least they can do is to show me their empathy...which I really don't want...Don't think that I am targeting u in all these things... But it's the fact...and frankly speaking that I don't want anybody to stand beside me...I want to handle my life independently... Bcz at the end of the day each and every people in this world has a greediness inside them...and I don't want to be a victim of that...sorry but I can't share my this problem with u Randhir... I may sound harsh but if u can then pls understand!! "...

Randhir kept quiet and there was a silence of 2mins between them...
" I am sorry for asking u the question! It won't hpn again"...he said breaking the silence...& got up...

And before she could say anything he disappeared from her sight...
"I am sorry Randhir!! I know u understand me...but some problems are not meant to be shared!"... She thought and a drop of tear rolled down from her orbs...

Thank u

(Do read my new ff freightage)

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