Part 18

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"The mittals r not ready to sign the deal dad!!"... Ankit said entering kishore's cabin...putting the file on d table with a thud...

" but y?? Didn't we treated them in our best possible way!!"..exclaimed kishore...

"They hv a weighty condition!!"... Said ankit...
" again condition!! Bloody hell!! Now whats that??"...roared kishore...

"They CEO of mittal groups...wants sanyu's hands for his son!! That is Sanyukta hv to get engaged with sameer mittal...the son of ashok mittal!!"...said ankit...

For a moment there was silence inside the room...and then ankit said..." It's not a bad idea dad!!"...
"What r speaking?? I mean u know that sameer is a brilliant Casanova... And moreover how that blind girl will handle everything??"... Exclaimed kishore...

"Here's d catch!! Look we all know that sanyu is blind including sameer's family...& for her marriage is something that she has never expected in her nearest dreams...she will think herself more then fortunate... As a guy like sameer is going to marry her...who is the son of such a renowned personality...and moreover I think sameer's Casanova image won't hurt her as we all know that she is blind...even if also.. sameer does something with another girl...she won't be able to react as she is blind!!"... Explained sameer..

" but!!"...kishore hesitated...
"Plz plz u don't start...I will talk to ashok mittal about this...& if he agrees...then we will inform it to Sanyukta!!"... Said which kishore kept quiet and nodded...

" at present the Aggarwals r signing a major deal with the mittals...and as per information... The mittals hv kept a condition that they will sign the deal only if the Aggarwals agree to give their daughter's hand to their son!!"...informed a Randhir via phn..

Anger gripped Randhir's veins and he clutched his knuckles tightly...
He hanged up the call...and threw his phn somewhere on the floor in anger due to which it broke into several pieces...

He went towards her pic again...and mumbled..."u r mine only mine!!"...
"U can't be anybody else's!! Ur heart, ur soul...ur everything should belong to me only me!! I love u...did u here!! I love u...I love u...I love....!!"... He screamed...gulping the hard liquor...and threw d glass bottle somewhere at d floor...due to which it also broke into several particles...

Accidentally he placed one of his palm on one of the glass piece as a result blood started oozing out from his hand..." U belong to me only Me!!"...he thought...

On the other hand Sanyukta who was sleeping peacefully in her room got up instantly bcz of her sudden nightmare. She was sweating profusely. She somehow took the glass of water from the table and drank the water at once...

"Is he ok?? That blood...oh god!!"... She mumbled nervously...
Just then kaka came inside her room to keep her certain ironed clothes...

Watching her in that nervous condition... He frowned and went towards her keeping the clothes aside...

" what hpnd my child?? R u fine??"...asked kaka...
"Kaka...I saw a bad dream...a very very bad one!!"... She cried...

" ok my child!! Calm down...first take proper breaths...and then tell me what hv u seen!!"...asked kaka
"Kaka...I saw that me and Randhir r playing on the road...with some kids and suddenly...a car came rushing towards him...making him unconscious on the road!! Kaka, I saw that unstoppable crimson blood oozing out off his head...he was not speaking a single word after that!! Though I don't know his face kaka...but I know his touch, his mere presence alerts me that he is there beside me!!"... Cried Sanyukta...

" child it's OK...!! It hpns!! Tell me one thing... Do u wanna visit his know about his health??"...asked kaka
"But kaka I don't know his address!!"... Said Sanyukta...

" no worries child!! I will help u...actually I remember his once he has told me!!"...said kaka...

"Umm...kaka but what if he thinks us desperate??"... Hesitated sanyu...
" if he thinks or tells something like that then we will return here again!!"...said kaka...
"Hmm..that will be OK!!"... Said sanyu...

" but child...we r going to his place for the first time...and as far as I know that he considers u as his Best Frnd... Don't u think that we should take something for him to present him!!"...said kaka

"Hmm u r right!! But what shall I give him...?? He already has a lot of things!!"... Said sanyu thoughtfully...
" I am also confused!! "...said kaka...

Twisting her lips sanyu thought for a bit and after sometime she said..." What if I make his favourite kheer and jalebis for him??"...

"Wow!! It's such a good idea!!"... Exclaimed kaka...
" I know it!! U know what once he has told me that he loves to eat kheer and jalebis!! But kaka can u plz help me with this??"...asked sanyu...

"Ofcourse!! Then it's final we r visiting his place tomorrow itself!!"...said which Sanyukta smiled...
Kaka went away...and cmng out of the room he dialled Randhir's no. From his lil phn...

On the other hand Randhir was so much drowned in his thoughts that he didn't realise his phn was ringing...
After 3-5rings he came out off trance and saw the called ID...which was flashing kaka...

The first thought came in his mind that if Sanyu was OK or not??
" hello kaka?? Aap iss waqt?? Sanyu thik toh haina??"...he questioned kaka...picking up the call...
"Haan beta wo bilkul thik hai. I hv called u to say something important!!"... Said kaka

" what?"...asked randhir...
"Sanyu wants to meet u...and that's d reason we r visiting your place tomorrow!!"... Said kaka
" what??"...randhir exclaimed with a smile
"Yes!! And guess what?? She is preparing presents for u...she wants to present u her handmade kheer and jalebis!!"... Said kaka...

" oh god!! I can't beleive this...kaka!! I can't tell u how much hpy I am rgt now!! Thank u so much for this news!! And yes I will send u my car tomorrow ...for cmng here!!"...said randhir

"But child...Sanyukta wanted to give u surprise!!"... Said kaka
" kaka no need of telling her...tell her that u hv booked a taxi...which knows the route of my address...if she wants to keep it as a surprise for me then be need of disappointing her!!'...said randhir....

"Ok my son!! Don't worry I won't tell her...and will do as u u tomorrow!!".. Said kaka
" ok kaka!! Bye !!"...said randhir before hanging up the call ...

" princess wanted to give me surprise!! But see ur prince already knows about your surprise... But u know what this lover of yours will still wait for u to cm...with your surprise!! Bcz my princess is herself a surprise of almighty to me!!"... Thought Randhir!!

Thank u...

(Do read my new ff gauche handsome)

The blind girl...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon