Henry Bowers Part 10

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Henry smirks and kisses me. I smiled during the kiss and we pulled away. "Hey". He said putting his hands around my waist. I giggled and looked in his eyes. "HI Henry, so why are you here" I asked looking at him concerned. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me in Derry". He answers."Of course I will, wait here". I walk inside and got the house key and came back out and locked the door and put the house key in my pocket. "Ready ". Henry asked smirking. I nodded my head and we started walking. When we got off my porch we locked hands and we both smiled and I blushed. We talked and it was the best. I got to know Henry more about him and his home life which was horrible becuse of his abusive father. He got to know me more too. He asked so many questions about me and my home life and how much he wishes he can go home without his father being there.

Little did I know my friends the losers club were watching us but we both didn't see them. We walked the route to the river which was my favourite place in the world. He both sat down on the big rocks that I said down last night. "(Y/n) I want you to know that I love you so much and I will never let anyone hurt you in anyway." He said looking into my eyes. I smiled and blushed. "Aww Henry really, I love you so much and I will protect you no matter what happens". I said and he smiles and we leaned our faces closer and closer until we kissed passnationly and I heard someone screamed. "WHAT THE FUCK". I pulled away and to see Riche in shock. Bill speechles, Stanley angry, Beverly smiling, Eddie gasping for air and taking his inhaler, Ben has a disgusted face and Mike just confused af. "Guys please I can explan" I said standing up . Henry Stands up too and looks pissed off. "WELL EXPLAIN WHY YOU ARE MAKING OUT WITH THIS MULLET WEARING ASSHOLE". Riche shouted and looks so angry. Henry looks at him and shouts. "STUT IT FOUR EYES". I looked at Henry and Riche and said. "STOP IT both of yous". I look at both of them and I see henrys hands in a fist way and I can see the rage in his eyes. "Hhh-how could yyy-ou (y/n)!". Bill says with sadness in his eyes. I look at everyone and I just scared and speechles I couldn't think straight.

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