Herny Bowers Part 25

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I was breathing heavily I never felt so angry before. I looked down the well to see my friends calling me and Mike. I look down the well my whole body was shaking. "Y/N ARE YOU OK WHERE IS MIKE!" Riche said and i answered.  "I am ok" I lied. "Mike is knocked out I going to try to wake him up". I rush over to Mike. I gentle shake him calling his name. He open his eyes and looked at me scared and he hugged me. I hugged back and he was shaking. "It's ok Mike Henry is out he won't hurt you in won't let him". He was speechless but nodded his head and got up. I helped him walk over to the well. He grab his gun thing but he drop his spare knifes for the gun he sighed and  started to climb down the rope and I was next. I took one last look at Henry. I know it was penny taking over him. I climbed down the rope and into the hole in the wells wall. I hugged Bill tight and he hugged back. Riche looked behind him and so did Eddie. Riche says "Guys where's Stan?". Eddie shouted for Stanely and we all started to walk. He were in the sewers and Eddies says. "Oh shit grey water". We all stayed together calling Stanely and Bill  I were using our flashlight to see where were going. We heard Stan scream and we started to run towards the scream yelling his name "STAN   STANELY". We tried to open a metal door. It open and we rushed in to see Stanley laying on the floor and some women with a deformed face with teeth suckling on Stanely face. He scream and the women hissed and was backing away into a tunnel and came out again as a clown and disappeared.we all ran over to Stan and he tried to help him up but he fighted back screaming no with tears rolling down his cheeks from his eyes. Stanely shouted. "YOU LEFT ME, YOU ARE NOT MY FRIENDS YOU MADE ME GO IN DEEP HOLE." He was sobbing and we tried to calm him down. We all hugged him. "Stan we would never would do that to you". I hugged him tight and he hugged back. Eddie saw Bill was gone and shouted his name we all got up looking for Bill now.

We were running again in the sewers calling Bill and I was helping Stan to stand up. Eddie fell on his knees in the grey water and Riche told him to get up because it was grey water. Eddie said "Where is my fucking fashion light". Right after he said that heads footed above the water making everyone scream in horror. Eddie quickly standed up and we ran. The was no more grey water and we saw Beverly floated in the air. We called her name as we walked closer to her. Riches asks. "How is she in the air?". Eddie flashed Stans flashlight of the other side of him. "Guys are those!". He said and i gasps there was a huge pile of stuff the belonged to people and floating kid body's.  "Missing kids, Floating". Stan answered. Mike picked up Ben and Riche helped Ben was reaching Beverlys foot and he pulled her down. Her eyes were grey and lifeless. Ben called her name "Bev, Beverly". We all looked at Ben and he was shaking her. "Well is she not waking up, what's wrong with her?". He stared to cry. "BEVERLY PLEASE COME ON". HE hugged her and I tears rolling down my cheeks my best friend is gone and I could save her, Stan hugged me and I cried. Ben hugged her. Eddie then started to cry. Ben pulled away from the hugged and he hold her neck and kissed her. "WOW Ehhh". We said and Mike looked at him with a confused  expression. Ben pulled away looking into here lifeless eyes. "WOW". Riche said. Beverly gasped. I looked at her and I wipe away my tears. Ben stared said her name. She answered saying. "January Ambers". Ben smiled and said "My heart burn there too". Riche broke the silents saying "Jesus fuck". And he hugs Beverly and Ben. Mike joins and so does me and she hugged me tight. Eddie stared to walk away. Beverly pulled away asking where is Bill. We walked with Eddie and we found Bill and he was talking to George with one arm.

We loked at each other knowing it was not George it was IT. George saud he wanted to go home and Bill started to cry. George continued. "I miss you I want to be with mam and dad". Bill was shaken his head saying no. "I want more then anything for you to be home with mam and dad". Bill walked closer to George and continues talking. "I miss you so much.". George says to Bill. "I love you Billy". "I love you to". Bill gran the knife gun snd pointed to George's head and George started to cry. "But you are not George". He pulled the trigger and George fell back with a hole in his head. The body started do shake and was making werid sounds.  We just stared with fear . The body was know a clown and it standed up. Eddie scream saying "KILL IT BILL KILL IT". We all yelled at him saying kill the clown killed it. The clown was stand up but like a hutch back with his eyes rolled at the back of his head and his eyes slow move back were there were bit from the side of his eye. "KILL IT BILL". Mike was holding a spear and said. " It's not loaded ". The clown smiled creepily and Bill reloaded the gun with with a rock  and pointed it to It's head and and pulled the pulled the trigger and there was a dit in the clown head. The clown arch back and scream while shaken his arms and ran towards Bill and Bill fell. The clown was trying to bit Bill but instead was biting Bills flashlight. Beverly tried to stap the clown with a spear but the clown caught it in time and threw it away. Mike tried to do the same but got throw into the pile of stuff. Bill was on on the clowns back with a pipe in it's mouth spinning around. Riche hope on Bills back and was holding on Bev and I got Spears out of Bills bagback. Ben and Stanley grab penny's arms and Ben was biting  penny's arm. Stanley was thrown across the room followed by Riche and he was sityingbon the floor then Ben was thrown. Bill got flipped over penny's heard and penny was holding onto Bill and his arm around his neck. Beverly said "Let him go".  Penny answered saying no. I yelled at him. "LET HIM GO YOU FUCKING SCARY ASS CLOWN". (This is me literally 😂😂) The clown laughed and continued. "I'll take him, I'll take all of you as I feed on your fleash as I feed on your fear. Or you just leave us be. I will take him only him, then I will have my long rest. You will all live to grow and thrive and live happy lives. Until old age take up back to the weeds". We all look at him and do we didn't know what to do Bill said to us. "Leave, I am the one who drag you all into this I am sss-orry". Penny repeat what Bill said ."Ssss-orry." He laughed and Stan looks to me and so did Eddie we were not going to leave Bill. "Go" Bill said. "Guys we can't". Beverly said looking to me and I nodded in agreement. Riche standed up. "I told you Bill, I fucking told you. I don't want to die it's your fault. You punch me in the face, you made me walk in shitty water, you brought me to a fucking crack head house. And now". Riche grab a bat from the pile. "I am going to have to kill this fucking clown ". Penny threw Bill and was walking up to Riche. "WELCOME TO THE LOSERS CLUB ASSHOLE!". Riche swing his bat and hit penny in the face. I grabbed a pipe and hitted penny with it as hard as I can. Mike tried to hit Penny but penny open his mother and burned and caught the pipe. I gave Stan a spear snd he ran to penny hit the hand and penny turn towards and the clowns face turn into a deformed women from before and ran towards Stan. Stan hitting it again and the clown turned to Mike and the his hand turns into like spider huge two legs and trying to stap Mike while make it on the floor. Ben grab a spear from bills bagback and stops Penny from behind. The clown turned around and it head like a mummy trying to bite Ben. Bill grabbed chained ancient swing them at penny. Penny was no one his hands and knees and me and Riche were hit him with my spear and his bat. Bill hitted penny again with the chains and the clown looked to Eddie because Eddie was lying on the floor. Penny head changed to a sick person and puked all over his face which causes Eddie to said up screaming. "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU". Eddie kicked penny in the head. Penny turned to me his face like henrys and his face was place white just the way he looked under the ice. I punched him the the face . Penny head turned into Beverlys dad.

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