Henry Bowers part 19

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The sunlight was shining thirty the curtain and I open my eyes to seeing my Alarm reading 11:50a.m and he Henry has his arm around my waist and kisses my neck. I smiled because he knew I was awake and I turned my body to face him and I said. "Morning". He opens his eyes and smiles. "Morning (y/n)". He says and rubs his eyes and stretches his arms. "Last night was amazing". I said and he looks into my eyes and says. "Last night was the best night of my life." I blush and he was about to kisses my until we heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Y/N sweetie open up." Me mam said We both look at each other and he grabs his clothes and but them on and I open my window and before he could jump out he kissed me and he whispers "see you later babe". I smile and my mam knocked again and he jumps out and runs as fast as he can. "Yes give me a second." I said putting on my pjs so it looks like I was sleeping in them and I unlock the door. "Morning (y/n) had you and Henry behaved". She asks seriously and I smiled. "Yes mam he left 20 minuets after you left the house because you know his dad". My mam nodded her apnea do but looks at me confused. "But we did you lock you door?" I quickly answered her. "Because I was scared if someone might break in and steal or hurt me so I locked my bedroom door and the front door". My mam smiled and hugged me and we went down to have breakfast.

I am at the quarry with the losers club and we were laughing and joking around. Riche was mocking Eddies mom. "Shut your trap Riche before I should it for you!". Eddies says getting angry. Riche just laughed and Mike step in. "Both off you stop come on so y/n  is Henry treating you good?". Every looked at me and I smiled. "Yes he is and Mike he is change believe me". Bill looks at me and says. "WWW-ell if he changed ddd-I'd he say that he was going to hurt uuu-s.". They looked at me for an answer and I was about to say something until someone interrupted me. "I won't lay a finger on you". I looked behind me and it as Henry and he looks down to me smiling. "Promise". Ben ask. "I promise". Henry sits beside me and Riche says "Wow Henry bowers has a soft stop I never knew that could be possible." Henry looks at him with a glare and Riche got the idea to shut up. "So what are you loser doing here anyways". Henry jokingly says and Beverly answers. "Well just talking and we want to go somewhere but don't know where". I could tell Henry had an idea and he stands up. "I know where we can go". The loser looked at him and Stanley asked where. "Follow me " he started to walk and we looked at each other confused and Henry stoped and says "well are yous coming?". I stand up and so does Bill and Beverly and so does the rest stand up and followed Henry into the forest.

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