Henry Bowers Part 11

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Henry looks at me and relaxes and stands beside me and holds my hand. "Guys come on leave both off them alone". Beverly says walking up and standing in front of my friends. "Wait did you know about this Beverly?". Eddie says walking up to Beverly with a confused look. Beverly looks behind her to me and Henry and she sighed and looked back and made eye contact with Bill and then Eddie . "Yes I did guys". They all sighed  and Mike step forward. "I can't believe you (Y/N) we all were best friends and now your with this asshole he's going to threat you like your worthless like he did to us". Mike says and Ben step in. "He will end up hurting you and we will tell you that we were right and you were wrong". I looked at them all I felt angry and sad and I felt like crying. "You'd don't understand me. I love (y/n) so much and I would never do anything that would hurt her". Henry says looking at them trying to be calm. Riche was shaking his head and pointed at me. "Don't ever come, see or speak with us ever again (y/n)!" Right after  he said that he walked of and Bill, Eddie, Mike, and Stan walked off with Riche. Beverly looked down in sadness and looked to me and Henry and she came over to us. "Listen I just what to say that I am sor" I cut Beverly off by saying. "Beverly you don't have to say sorry". I smiled at her. "I do". Henry says holding my hand tighter. Beverly looks at him in shock. "Listen I sorry for hurting you and I didn't know what I was doing".  He Says trying to smile but fails. "Thank Henry that means a lot to me". Beverly smiles. "(Y/N) I need to do something can I met you up later on". He asks me. "Yes Henry I be at my house and Beverly you can come to my house if you want?". I ask and she nodded. Beverly stared to walk and me and Henry looked into each other eyes and we kissed. "See you soon". He says and walks away winking at me. I walked home with Beverly and talked and I felt sad, angry  and disappointed that I lost my friends.

Mean while at Bills garage the boys all are sitting down and talking about (y/n).
"I can't believe (y/n) how dare she". Stan says frustrated. "IIIII-I don't even understand stand why she loves HHH-enry." Billy says standing up. "And Beverly knowing this too and kept it from us". Riche says standing up also and getting angry. "All the crap Henry done to us". Ben says looking sad. "I hate Henry and he should go Fuc". Eddie was interrupted by a knock on the garage door. Bill walks over and and lifts up the garage door and everyone gasp and was in shock it was Henry Bowers.  "What you want asshole" Riche says looking at Henry pissed. Henry glares at Riche and looks at the rest of the loser club. "Hear me out losers ..III mean uh never mind just listen to me, (y/n)  and I are in love and she was going to tell yous today and you guys should not be mad at her and not be her friend anymore ." Henry says trying to stay calm. Mike looks at Henry and shakes his head."I bet (y/n) send you here to say that to us and we would believe you". Henry looks at Mike. "(Y/n) didn't send me here to say that to yous just me I did." The losers all look at each in amazement. "RRReally". Bill asks. "Yes I did that's what you do when you love someone can't you see I only bullied yous but not her. And I only threaten her once the last day of school. I love (y/n) and she loves me and I would never hurt her or tell her to do something that she would not want to do. I love (y/n)." It was a long silence and the loser looked at each other. Bill looks at Henry and looks at the his friends. "I say we go and apologize to (y/n) and accept that Henry and her are boyfriend and girlfriend". Bills say and everyone smiles and nods their heads. "On one condition". Eddie says to Henry. "What". Henry asks. "You and your goons go easy on all of us". Henry looks at them and they all laughed and stared at him. "Fine". He says and Henry walks and the losers gets on their bikes to go to (y/n) house.

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