Yoongi - Ignored

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You whined as you tried to wake up your boyfriend. You usually let him sleep in but you needed him to do something important.

He groaned and rolled  to his side with his back to you making you huff.

"Min Yoongi if you don't get up right now I will dump you and hook up with Jimin."

He ignored you and stayed in his side.

"I'm serious this time."

He started to get a bit annoyed by your threat but stayed on his side to see what you would do.

"Here I go." You got of the bed and stood by it.

He pulled the cover up more.

"Walking away." You took smalls steps towards the door while looking at him.

He frowned and clutched the pillow.

"Walking out the door." You twisted the doorknob and opened the door slowly.

He still didn't move.

You sighed and went out the room and closed the door. Before you could close it all the way it was jerked open and you were pulled back into the room and pushes against a wall.

You crossed your arms and looked up at Yoongi glaring at you.

"Boy you better wipe that look off your face. You should've gotten your butt up." You said as you hid your smile.

"You were gonna go to him." He hissed.  Anger written all over his face.

You pouted and crossed your arms "Well he probably wouldn't gotten up for the important thing I had."

He sighed and lowered his head "What is it that is so important?"

"I needed you to scratch my back." You smiled innocently at him.

He narrowed his eyes at you and left the room, "Jimin! You can have Y/N!"

You pouted and stomped your foot "Hey!"

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