Jungkook - Cheater part 2

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"You seem pretty fine to me."

Y/BF/N said to you as you looked at yourself in your door length mirror that you had in your bathroom. 

"That's literally the point. Do I want to cry and binge Netflix shows? Yes. But I shouldn't be because he made a mistake losing me. I am perfectly fine without him. At least I will show that on the outside." you said as you decided weather to put a flower in your braids or not.

Today, you were going out and about with your friend because you both decided you needed to get back out there. Maybe not date yet, but to at least enjoy the single life. Plus Taehyung threatened to TP your apartment if you didn't leave and go outside. Which wasn't terrible, you just weren't gonna clean it up if he did.

"Well, I guess that's the spirit." Y/BF/N said with an eye roll before walking out the room to give you some privacy and as you looked over yourself in the mirror, your eyes came across the scar that you now had on your arm. You remember like it was yesterday.

You storming into the house with nothing but pure anger boiling inside of you due to the scene that you saw. Your boyfriend with another chick. And not just walking with her, but acting like a couple with her. You couldn't believe it. You didn't want to believe it, but you had no choice. The scene kept flashing ion your mind and you spiraled. You remember knocking over anything you could get your hands on. Using anything to get your anger out. During your rage, you didn't notice that you ignored yourself in multiple spots until you felt strong arms around you and a familiar voice telling you to calm down.

"Baby, please. You need to calm down for me, baby. You injured yourself."

Is what he said to you, but yet you still struggled and didn't hold back any tears that held anger and sadness.

As the memory replied in your mind, you shook it off real quick. Today's your day and you refused to let him ruin it.

After one last glance, you turned and left the room to meet your best friend in the living room. With a smile, she looked at you and asked if you were ready, which you responded with a nod.

Without hesitation you guys left your shared apartment and started down the street. Today, you guys planned to have a chill girls day and to start that off, you two decided to go to your favorite cafe. Just the thought of the pastries they had made your mouth water.

You smiled with a sense of peace as you walked along the sidewalk and the wind blew through your hair. That peace stayed with you for 5 minutes until you and Y/BF/N arrived at the cafe and walked in. 


Immediately, you two were greeted with hellos and smiles from the staff that knew you from how often you came.

You two gave a greeting back and didn't take long with ordering your drinks and food.

"Alright, same price as usual." The cashier said and you nodded before handing her the amount with extra change for herself. As you were about to walk away with your order number, the cashier grabbed your arm and looked at you with seriousness as she said: "Hey, don't freak when you see it. But I'm just giving you a warning.". Without saying anything else, she let you go and went back to her cashier duties. 

"What?" You went to ask, but you didn't have the chance because another customer went up to the counter. With confusion, you walked away and to the table that Y/BF/N picked out.

"You good?" she asked you as she pulled out her phone.

"Uh, yeah. Just thinking." You said as you got comfortable in your chair.

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