Yoongi - Silent Crush

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You sat down with Namjoon, Hobi,  and Jin while smiling as you guys watched Jimin and V have a dance battle for the last slice of pizza.

You hadn't seen them all week since you went back home to Y/H/T. Seeing them happy made them happy. Well most of them happy.

Yoongi was the same old grouchy member. When you turned to look for him you saw him staring at you but quickly looked away when you looked at him.

"Hm.." you thought to yourself. You and Yoongi had never been the best of friends. Whenever you and the boys met up to eat or just hang out, you and Yoongi always ended up arguing for something stupid.

You shrugged it off and just thought he was thinking of some way to annoy you.  You looked back at Jimin and V quickly enough to see Jimin slip and fall. Everyone started laughing, making Jimin pout a bit.

"Are you ok, Chim Chim?" You got up and  hurried to help him up, chuckling a little bit to yourself.

"Aish. Taehyung clearly made that happen. So he's disqualified. I win." He huffed and grabbed the slice of pizza they were dancing for.

"I did!" Tae went to go grab the pizza but Jimin ran off. Tae behind him.

"Ah. Let's go make sure they don't break anything." Jungkook said as he and Hobi walked out the room with Namjoon and Jin behind.

You started to clean up the mess you all made and noticed Yoongi still sitting in his spot. Watching you.

"May I help you Mr.Yoongi?" You asked and walked over with pizza boxes resting against your hip.

He looked up at you with a frown. "No." He got up and walked around you to the mess and started helping you clean.

You turned and watched him before sighing and taking the boxes to the trash.

"You know, Y/N."

You turned to look at Yoongi.

"I really like you. For a lot of reasons but it annoys me. I'm sorry for being a jerk to you. I didn't know how to show my emotions. I still don't. In fact this is kind of awkward. I'm so-."

Before he could finish you kissed him gently on the lips and pulled away. "I like you too." You smiled at him and he smiled back.

He gently hugged you "Thank you, Y/N."

You two stood there smiling at each other for a moment before the guys pope into the room.

"Finally!" Hobi said yelled and smiled.

You jumped a bit and giggled. "You guys knew and didn't tell me?"

"It was obvious." Jin said.

You pouted and Yoongi pat your head,smiling down at you. Clearly happy.


Sorry this is bad.

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