Jimin - Scared

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An imagine for @mbjimin . Sorry for the loooong delays. I didn't realized it's been so long since I asked for requests, but writers block is a bitch along with its friend called stress.


Jimin paced back and forth in the dining room as his thoughts did jumping jacks in his head. All he could thin about was you, but not in a loving way. But in an angry way.

Way went out the house earlier that day and even at 11pm at night, you still weren't back, which made Jimin fill up with as much rage as a bull. A few days prier to you going out, Jimin had sat you down and warned you about the leaking of his rival gangs plan to attempt and kill you to get to Jimin. After telling you that and seeing the worry in your eyes, he thought you would've been smart enough to not be out this late or at least have a guard with you, but obviously he was wrong.

As a top mafia leader, he knew many were out to get him and not just him, but you too so of course he thought he had every right to be angry you and want to scream his head off at you. Even if you didn't think much of it, you were putting yourself in danger.

Jimin paced at a slightly faster pace as his thoughts made him angrier by the second, it wasn't until he heard your car pull up that he stopped in his tracks and glared at the door, waiting for you to walk in. 

Minutes passed and you finally unlocked the door and stepping inside the massive house you called him with a smile as you looked at Jimin standing by the front door glaring daggers at you like you had just insulted him. 

You gaze went from happy to confused at you closed the door and tilted your head at him. "Hi, baby. What's wrong?" you asked a you pulled your dyed bangs out of your face and started to walk towards him.

Jimin didn't say anything at first, just glared straight into your eyes and watched as you got closer to him with each step. 

"Baby?" you asked again. 

"Where the hell were you, y/n? Like, are you serious? 'What's wrong?'." Jimin gritted out through his pearly white teeth.

"Where was I? What the hell is your problem?" You asked as your own rage started to make a play for your emotions. "I go out all the time. Why is that a crime all of a sudden?"

Jimin scoffed, "Yeah, you go out with a guard. But apparently you think you're made of fucking steel now, huh?"

You raised an eyebrow at how he was speaking to you. What was he trying to do this late at night? Although you were getting angry, you knew that this argument wasn't gonna last long. He'll get sensitive with like he does at the end of every argument and you'll end the night cuddling. Easy peasy.

"I don't need one of you 'criminals' following me around, Jimin. Especially when I'm just trying to have a girls day with Ashley(Your best friend.)." You said as you stood tall with stubbornness to keep you from backing down.

"These 'criminals' keep you safe, y/n. Don't you get that?" he replied with anger.

You scoffed. "Safe? Are you serious?!" you said as you pointed a finger in his face. "I stopped being safe after I officially started dating you!" 

After you said that , Jimin snapped and grabbed you wrist with much force, making my gasp in shock. 

"You won't be safe once you dead, y/n!" he yelled as he towered over you and unknowingly squeezed your wrist. "Don't you get that!? You decide to go out until damn near 12 and you prance in here like you're not a target!" 

His yells got louder as he backed you into a corner which made you even more scared. 

"Jimin, let go!" you whimpered as you tried to pull your wrist out of his painful grasp. The pain didn't scare you, but what did scare you was the fact that a mafia leader was showing you his rage. Rage that he showed to mostly the people he was gonna kill. Rage that he never dared to let you see or yet be the target of. 

Would Jimin.... kill you? 

That's all you thought as you trapped between a corner and your boyfriend as he continued to express his frustration. You stopped listening to him moments ago. All you thought of was getting away from what could be your death.

"Jimin, please!" you yelped as you kept tugging. But he didn't get the hint until you literally screamed.


just then Jimin stopped what he was saying nd looked down at you. The sight in front of him made the anger immediately drain away and instead concern took its place. You were crying and pain showed all over your face. 

Especially the fear in your eyes.

You took the chance to quickly pull your wrist away and wished the corner could open up and swallow you whole just to get you away from him, but of course that was only a wish.

"Y/n, I-" Jimin started as he reached for you, but that didn't do anything but make you even more scared. 

"D-don't touch me!." you shrieked as you curled up in the corner. 

You wanted out of this scary scene, so you made a run for it.

"Y/n!" Jimin called as he ran after you. 

You ran up the stairs and straight into you and Jimin's bedroom. Luckily you were quick to get in and lock the door before Jimin had the chance. You curled up on the bed and weeped in fear as you heard the sound of Jimin trying to open the door.

"Y/n? Y/n!" Jimin called, but it was no use. you didn't budge and neither did the door. 

Jimin sighed and just snack to the floor. No more anger. No more confusion sat inside of him. Just the simple question of:

What had he done?

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