Jin - Remembering (part 2)

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Since this was requested, here you go. Also thank you to @banga_your_funny and @ShaneceMitchell for the ideas for this second part.


"Damn, you look good."

You said to yourself as you looked in the mirror in your bedroom. Currently you were getting ready to go out with y/b/f/n since she invited you out to go to a party with her and of course you were down.

After a few months you were ready to get back out into the dating game or at least into fooling around. Being home alone was starting to get to.

So was no physical contact.

So you thought why not go out. Maybe even get lucky enough to have a night stand.

To make that happen, you showered and wore matching lavender body wash and lotion as well as perfume to give a good scent to yourself. After your wash, you put on a simple tight black dress with noddle straps and you added ankle high - high heel boots, You then added your diamond earrings and necklace to finish off the look. As for your makeup, you put on natural eyeshadow with winged eyeliner and a red lip.

You weren't over the top, but you were definitely looking good and you were here for it.

After flirting with yourself in the mirror, you left you apartment and went on your way to your car to the party.

Once you got there, you saw that it was at a club that was booming with music. Immediately hearing it made you excited and want to move on the dance floor. So you quickly got out and went inside. Once inside, you found your friend who saw you and welcomed you with open arms.

"Damn, girl! Look at you. I better keep you in my sight or someone will take your sexy ass away, doll."

You giggled at her comment and thanked her before starting to dance with her. After some time the music took over you and you closed your eyes while you moved your hips with the music. Guys took notice of your moves as well and started coming to you every now and then before they stopped and you opened your eyes in confusion.

You opened them to see your friend looking behind you in disgust which made you turn around to see Jin standing there and looking down at you.

"No." Was all you simply said before you walked away from him and past your friend to an empty booth.

Unfortunately Jin followed you.

"Y/n, listen. I'm sorry." He started, but you cut him off.

"No, Jin. I don't want your piss-poor sorry. You hurt me beyond anything you could've imagined." You said as you glared daggers at him.

His face softened at your anger and his shoulders slumped in sadness. "I know, y/n. But please give me another chance. I'll do better. I didn't know what I lost until you were actually gone. Please." He begged.

A part of you softened and you wanted to hug him. Until you remembered how much he hurt you.

"Fuck you."

You said as you stood up and got out the other side of the booth. Your hips moving as you walked away.

Before you were out of his sight, you made sure he was watching as you grabbed a random guy by the collar and kissed him deeply before pushing him away and walking away from Jin with a sly smile on your face and a surprised look on his.

He didn't know what he had lost.

And you wanted him to remember that.

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