C H A P T E R THIRTY~ONE: Loss of Lives..

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A/n: I'm so Sorry. Also this chapter contains mild Swearing..

"He Needs to Wake Up!" Nya cried beside Cole.

Seliel was looking at everyone..

She started to burst into tears.

Everything is falling Apart..

She thought to herself.

Zane suddenly ripped his mask and placed it in Lloyd's wound.

He stood up carrying Lloyd while Looking down.

The Boy was unconscious.

"We have to go." Zane muttered looking pained as he grits his teeth.

"We have to save them." He added.. Everyone's attention where looking at Zane.

Just then..

The ground started to shake.

"We need to get out of here!" Seliel cried..

Cole which is her boyfriend carried Jay up with the help of Nya.

They walked to the exit..

Just as in cue.. Seliel noticed The Control room with two figures that snuggled together.

A bleeding guy and a crying girl.

"SKYLOR AND KAI!" She gasped.. Nya's eyes widened..

"NO TIME!" Cole grunted.. Just as he pulled His Girlfriend's hand.

Seliel turned to him.

"I NEED TO SAVE THEM!" She cried.. Zane turned to them with a sympathetic look.

Cole sighed deeply. And wished.

"Go. And Be careful." He said.. Looking at his girlfriend with concern.

Just then. Seliel ran inside looking at Skylor..

She took off the piece of cloth that was tied in her mouth and the ropes that tied Skylor's hands together.

Through sobs..


Seliel looked at Kai and gasped in shock.

Kai's head was bleeding and a wound in his abdomen.

"We need to save Him!" Skylor cried.

Seliel nodded and carried Kai with Skylor on her side.

"Lets hurry." She smiled..

"Lets catch up with the others and forget all of the bad things.." The Phantom Elemental Master explained with a determined look in her eyes.

Skylor was given hope..

Just a things where going well..

Something happened.


An Ambulance that Seliel called and also the Cops..

Cole was with the cops ready to go back inside the Bounty.. Just as then.. Three Figures walked out.

There was a wide smile formed in Cole's face..

Until.. One of the figures had to collapse..

Running to those three revealed a Wounded and Bleeding Kai. And an injured Skylor whom is limping.

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