5. The One With Chris's New Girlfriend .

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"And since you wanna be sneaky and shit go to the store and pick these things up." Sheila told Aug handing him a list of items for the dinner party.

August just grabbed it and stood up knowing better than to talk back like Khaila did with her dad.

"Hey." August turned around. "You forgot the money." She said handing him a fifty.

"And your keys are on the coffee table, don't think about going somewhere else." She said raising her eye brows.

"I won't." He mumbled walking out the door. He unlocked his doors then got in.

Once he made it to Walmart it took him a while just to get half of the items on the list. He didn't even know what most of them were let alone what isle they were in.

"August?" August turned and frowned when he saw Tiara. "Awe, wassup?" August asked. He wasn't in the mood today.

"Nothing much.. I was calling you but you never hit me up." She said folding her arms.

She never been rejected like this before and wanted to know why he was acting funny. "I'm busy." August mumbled.

"Busy with what? Fucking your sister?" August frowned turning to her. "What that fuck..? What the hell are you talking about?"

He gave her a 'bitch you stupid' look. She smacked her lips. "Come on, how she was looking at me the other day?"

"And?" He asked. Tiara was silent. "Don't even come to me with that shit aight? Fuck wrong with you?" He asked.

Tiara frowned. "Sorry I-" "Nah, get the fuck on." He said. Tiara frowned and August walked away without saying another word to her ass.

No lie. He was shocked that she had guessed that shit and she was right.

How she said it made him feel like it was completely wrong. But they weren't really related so what's the problem?

The whole situation was a problem. August shook his head sitting the groceries in the backseat.

He thought about it all the way home.

Meanwhile, Khaila sat at her vanity while she recorded herself doing her makeup for tonight's dinner.

She knew exactly what she was about to wear and she knew she was gonna be cute. She stood up when the door opened.

"Oh, you getting dressed?" Wes asked. Khaila looked down at her shorts and sports bra. "It looks like it." She said.

Wes rolled his eyes. "I didn't mean to barge in here but, we have to talk." Khaila nodded. "Okay?" Wes sighed stepping inside and closing the door.

"Look, I know I haven't really been a great parent but...we're gonna change alot of shit in this house." He said.

Khaila frowned. "So no going out on a school night, curfew is at eleven on the weekends." Khaila rolled her eyes.

"And no attitudes, or all of this shit that I bought is gone." Wes said. He had a long talk with Sheila and she didn't like how Khaila was acting. At all.

"Let me guess.. Sheila put you up to this?" Khaila asked. Wes sighed. "Both of us-" "Just, whatever... y'all marriage won't last another month."

Khaila spat. Wes frowned. "Who the hell are you talking to?" Khaila rolled her eyes. She hated when people would say that like they weren't the only person in the room."

"You." She said. She had some nerve. Wes tilted his head to the side.

"Okay." Khaila watched him walk in the closet and take everything out of her closet. Khaila just sat there and watched him.

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