24. The One With The Nineteen Year Old .

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"Khaila and August back together? What?" They heard on the radio as they drove down the street. Khaila shook her head looking at all the palm trees.

August cut the radio off and sighed. "Happy Birthday." Khaila smiled. "Thanks babeh." August smiled and pulled up infront of their parents house.

"And they aren't mad.. right?" Khaila asked. August shook his head. "I mean, the sex tape shook them up but they got over it." Khaila nodded slowly.

She couldn't look her daddy in the eye. "We good." August squeezed her hand. Khaila nodded. "Alright." They got out the car and walked up to the house.

They didn't have to knock because Sheila saw them pull up and answered the door. "Happy Birthday!" Sheila yelled. Khaila smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"Y'all almost twenty, I'm getting old." She said. She then hugged August. "Hey Mama." "Hey baby, come in I cooked." She opened the door wider and they both walked in.

"Where's my daddy?" Khaila asked. Sheila sighed and closed the door. "He's upstairs with the baby." Khaila nodded her head. "I'm gonna go talk to him." She mumbled.

Sheila and August watched her walk upstairs. Khaila walked in Nala's room and saw Wes putting her down for her nap. "H-hey Daddy." Wes turned around and frowned.

"I wanted to talk-" "I don't want to talk to you." He said nonchalantly. Khaila frowned. "What?" She asked. He walked out the room with Khaila following behind him.

"I said I don't wanna talk to you." He repeated. Khaila sighed. "I swear it wasn't my fault, Samara had people put cameras up in our house and-"

"I don't care." He turned around and faced her. "Do you have any idea how this makes me look?" He asked. "I-"

"No, you don't, you only think about yourself. I got people looking down on me talking shit cause they saw your sex tape." Khaila looked down at her feet.

"I can't even look at you." He looked at her in disgust. "I'm sorry." "Fuck yo apology, if anyone asks if I have kids I'm only saying one because I don't want my babygirl rubbing off on you." Khaila frowned.

"Get the fuck out my face." He mumbled before walking to his room and slamming the door shut. Khaila sniffed and wiped her face before she walked downstairs.

"Yea I told Khi I would take her down there during the summer." August said looking down at his drink. "Yea, New Orleans is beautiful in the summer time."

Khaila walked past them making her way towards the door. "What's wrong?" August asked. "Nothing, can you just take me home?" Khaila asked.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." August said turning around. Wes walked downstairs and Khaila rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll walk." She walked through the door.

"What's wrong with her?" Sheila asked. Wes opened the fridge pulling out some orange juice. Sheila raised a brow placing a hand on her hip.

"Wesley Miguel Parrish, you hear me talking to you." Sheila said. "What?" He asked. "What's wrong with that girl?" Sheila asked. August looked at him because he wanted to know too.

"I cut her off, end of story." They both frowned. "What you mean cut her off? She's your daughter." Sheila said. Wes shrugged. "Not anymore, I only have one."

He said folding his arms. August furrowed his eyebrows. "You a bitch made ass nigga." He spat. Sheila gasped and Wes tilted his head to the side.

"August!" Sheila yelled. Wes shook his head. "Sorry Ma but he is a bitch.. no wonder why you been divorced so many damn times-"

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