10. The One With The Graduation Party .

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Chapter is a little fast, and boring🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


"Are you still mad at me?" August whispered into Khaila's ear. Khaila looked out of the window and shrugged. It was their prom night and Khaila wasn't in the mood.

After what her daddy said she felt like he's gonna control her for the rest of her life. The gang was in Chris's private jet on their way to their prom at a hotel in Vegas.

Huey and Georgia went together as promised, Chris's date was Jada, Chanel's date was that junior she was talking to, and Khaila and August was together.

August sat back and looked at her. "I'm just having a bad week." "You on your period?" He asked. Khaila rolled her eyes. "No."

"Then what is it? Talk to me." August pushed. Khaila looked at him. "My Dad is making me stay in California for college." August frowned.

"I thought you were going to New York." "I guess not, so I am gonna be stuck here with y'all." She mumbled looking at all of her friends.

But she knew it wasn't gonna be that bad. She loved her friends.

"He said I can go, but I can't have any money." "Then go." August shrugged. "I dont have a job yet August, how the hell am I supposed to make it out there?" She asked.

He was silent. "I'll just stay here until I can afford to move on my own." August smirked. "I can go with you." Khaila smacked her lips.

"You'll go to New York with me?" "Hell yea." Khaila smiled. "I really want to kiss you right now." "Then what's stopping you?" August leaned in and Khaila pushed him back.

"I'm still mad at you." August groaned. "I should be mad at you, you tried to kill me." Khaila looked out the window and saw a bunch of lights.

She knew they were Vegas. "So?" August touched his beautiful face. "I made a mistake." "Just like you made a mistake thinking I'm a patient woman."

Khaila touched his chin then let it go.

When they made it to the hotel it was packed. They even had a red carpet for them. "Miss. Parrish!" Khaila turned and smiled.

"August, smile." Khaila hit his arm and he sighed and smiled for the paparazzi. "We gotta make front page." Khaila mumbled.

"Who cares?" August asked. "I do, I am very well known here and in Cali." "For nothing." Khaila smacked her lips.

"Khaila who made your dress?" A photographer from Vogue asked. "Me!" She smiled and flipped her hair. "Very beautiful!"

"Thank you!"

"Can we go in now?" August asked. All the lights were giving him a headache. Khaila turned on her good side then nodded.

"Okay." August grabbed her hand and Khaila waved goodbye. "Wow." August said. Khaila frowned looking up at him. "What?"

August laughed as they made it to the ballroom. "You're just another Kim K." Khaila scoffed hitting his chest. "I am not.. and I know her." She mumbled.

"Of course." Khaila rolled her eyes looking around. "You look beautiful by the way." August said. Khaila smiled. "Thanks baybeh."

August rolled his eyes. He wore a white suit with gold accessories. He had some Gucci shoes and some solid gold stud earrings.
His hair was on point too.

Khaila's hair was curled, her dress fit her like a glove just how she made it and her heels matched her dress perfectly. They looked perfect together.

If Loving You Is Wrong.  ♡ A.A जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें