16. The One With The Secret .

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Khaila walked through the front door and threw her keys on the island. August heard her come in and walked into the living room.

"Where the hell were you?" He asked. Khaila rolled her eyes looking at the time time on the microwave. It was six in the morning and she ended up spending the night at Chanel's.

"He speaks." Khaila said sitting her purse down. "I was calling you." August said following her to the bathroom.

She sat on the toilet and sighed while August stood at the doorway. "My phone was dead." Khaila mumbled.

"And where were you? You better not be out there entertaining some niggas." He had a serious look on his face. Khaila sighed. "Nah."

"Then where were you?" He asked. "I was with Chanel." "And why didn't you call me off of her phone? She has my number."

"Because I didn't want to okay? damn." She stressed grabbing some tissue. She wiped herself then washed her hands. August shook his head.

"I know you're mad at me, but I was worried about you." Khaila dried her hands off then looked at him through the mirror.

She saw the bruises on August's knuckles making her frown. "What happened to your hands?" She asked turning around.

Her attitude changed quick as fuck and August caught that. "I um, I got into a fight." He said. Khaila looked at his hands.

"I'm sorry I was being an asshole, I dont know why I get like that sometimes."

"It's fine, but dont you ever say I dont care about you.. I love you and if music is what you wanna do then I'll have your back one hundered percent."

Khaila said. August smirked. "Alright." "Now who did you fight?" She asked. "Xavier's bitch ass." August said.

Khaila poked her lip out. "You fought him for me?" She asked looking up at him. "Well yea.. plus he used me to get to you. I wasn't finna let that nigga slide."

Khaila kissed his lips. "I'm sorry too, you know.. for being a bitch." August smiled. "You're not a bitch." "You're right, if I gotta be a bitch imma be a bad one."

August smiled and laughed at her. "Get in the shower with me?" She asked. August licked his lips. He stepped into the bathroom and closed the door.

Khaila cut the hot water on and they began to strip eachother. "Hot ass water." August mumbled cutting it down a little. Khaila rolled her eyes.

"I can't help it." Khaila mumbled. August cut his eyes at her. Khaila grabbed the shampoo and conditioner and squeezed it onto her hair.

She held her head in the water then started scrubbing her scalp. Her hair started to puff up into a curly black ball.

"I like your hair like this." August said. Khaila smiled. "Yea, but it gets tangled too much. I like my hair straight."

"I like it natural." August touched her curls. "I guess I'll have to wear it natural one day huh?" She asked. "Mhm, tomorrow night."

Khaila looked at him. "What's going on tomorrow night?" She asked. "Dont worry about it." Khaila sucked her then rinsed her hair.

She put it up into a small bun ontop of her head. "So, I have to tell you something." Khaila said. August raised a brow. "Okay." Khaila sighed.

"I told Chanel about us." Khaila blurted out. August frowned. "You did what?" He asked. "I know, I just had to tell her.. it's been seven months."

If Loving You Is Wrong.  ♡ A.A Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora