26. The One With The Decision .

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When she got to Sheila's house Sheila opened the door instantly. "Hey baby." Khaila pulled her shades off and smiled. "Hey." "Come here." She pulled Khaila into a hug and Khaila hugged her back.

"I missed you." "I missed you too." "How's you and August?" Sheila asked. Khaila sighed and Sheila nodded. "We'll talk about it, come help me cook. Nala is sleep right now but she'll wake soon." Khaila sat her things down and followed Sheila to the kitchen.

She made steak, potatoes, jumbo shrimp and crawfish. "What's going on?" Sheila asked cutting into her steak. Khaila swallowed her food then drank her lemonade.

"We both want to do different things..I want to move to Paris and he wants to pursue his career." Sheila nodded. "I knew that was gonna happen sooner or later." Khaila frowned.

"Both of you are young..y'all both graduated from high school and you're both making your own money and being independent. This isn't the first time this is gonna happen." "What do we do?" Khaila asked.

Sheila shrugged. "What everyone do in this situation. One of you have to sacrifice something." Khaila looked down at her food. "Or you two can work it out from a distance." "I like that idea better."

"It's not gonna be easy though." "We can do it..We love each other. You and my Daddy did it." "You're right but like I said..it's not gonna be easy." Khaila nodded thinking about it.

The front door opened and Wes appeared in the kitchen. He frowned when he saw Khaila sitting at the island with Sheila. "I thought I said I didn't want her here?" Wes said pointing at Khaila. Khaila scoffed.

"I'll talk to you later." Khaila said. "No..you won't." Wes said. Khaila looked at her father for a second and nodded. "Yea I wasn't talking to you." Khaila said.

"Get the hell out before I call the police." "No you're not. This is my house too and I can have my kids here if I want." Sheila said. That caught Khaila by surprise when she said those words.

"Sheila we talked about this-" "No, you did..you never asked me how I felt about it now did you?" Sheila asked. Wes scoffed. "Khaila is grown..she can do whatever the hell she wants to do."

"Not with my name she can't." Wes shrugged. "All you care about is your image..grow the hell up Wes." "Look it doesn't even matter, I'll get out of your house." Khaila rolled her eyes.

"Thanks for the food Sheila." "No problem honey." Khaila grabbed her things and brushed past her father who was looking down at his feet. Khaila got into her car and started her car up as tears was rolling down her cheek.

By now she had no problem with leaving.


"He looks just like you." August said holding Noah in his arms. Chris smiled and nodded his head. "Yea he does. Jada feels some type of way about it." Chris smiled staring down at his son. He was so happy, you could see it in his eyes.

Noah started whining a little making August frown. "What I do?" He asked. Chris laughed. "Nothing, he's probably hungry." Chris said. August nodded. "Oh." Jada walked in the living room with a blanket on her shoulder and a bottle in her hand.

"I knew I heard him fussing..let me have him." Jada said holding her hands out. She scooped Noah up and smiled. "You hungry babes?" Jada asked preparing to feed him.

"I gave him a bottle an hour ago." Chris said. "Yea well he's just greedy." Jada said. August looked at the two and watched Jada walk to the back. "You and Chanel straight?" August asked.

Chris nodded. "Yea why you ask?" Chris asked. "Just asking." Chris raised a brow and looked August up and down. "What man? Just tell me." August shook his head.

"It may not be my place.. but ion want you to fuck up what you have with Chanel." Chris nodded slowly. "You right...it isn't your place." August sucked his teeth. "I'm here with my son..and my son only. I'm not on no other shit."

"I believe you." "So you and Khai but be having problems?" Chris asked. August looked away. "What's up?" Chris asked. He knew he wanted to talk about it. August shrugged his shoulders. "I think we might really be done this time." August said.

Chris laughed making August frown. When Chris realized he was serious his smile faded. "You for real?" He asked. August nodded. Chris scoffed. "Damn man..y'all was perfect for each other."

"I know." August got up from his seat. "She wants move to Paris." "So go with her." "How and I live here..with a career. I can't just drop everything." Chris nodded. "I feel you." "But I love her." August said.

Chris raised a brow. He never heard that come out of his mouth. At least to him. "If y'all meant to be together then y'all will find y'all way back to each other nigga." Chris said. August nodded.

"But I know if I was in your shoes..I would try to make it work." August folded his arms.

"Yea I guess so." He said thinking about it. "When she supposed to be leaving?" Chris asked. "Saturday." Chris frowned.

"Today is Saturday." August's head shot his way. "It's Friday." "No it's Saturday."

August pulled his phone out but saw that it was dead. "Let me use your charger." August said hooking his phone onto Chris's charger before he said it was okay. "Sure." Chris said.

August let his phone charge up a bit before he cut it on. He saw a missed call from Khaila and a text message.

Babeh❤️: "I understand why you're mad at me but you don't have to treat me like this...I want to make it work but obviously you don't. I won't be at home whenever you decide to come back. I'm leaving. Bye."

"Damn man." August took his phone off the charger and dialed Khaila's number before his phone died again. He walked out the door leaving a confused look on Chris's face.

When August got to the apartment Khaila was no where to be found. Her clothes were missing and everything that belonged to her. August sat on the bed and looked down at his dead phone. "Fuck."

Khaila looked out the window as her plane flew in the air. She wiped her eyes and sniffed leaving everything and everyone behind.


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The End💔

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