Chapter 10

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I bet you thought the next chapter was when Liana goes back to Zackary.

I bet you thought the next chapter was when Liana goes back to Zackary

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Part 10

I sat across my desk waiting for the man to spit the words out. This was my job, it was exciting and boring. Tonight I just wanted to lie down and think. Imagine that girl run her fingers in my hair, have her lips delicately graze over mine, watch her eyes reflecting the galaxy before my own black holes. 

Yet here I was, terrorizing a man. I had to get this done ASAP or everything would fall behind schedule and that would piss me off a good week or so.

"Heat up the metal," I ordered a man behind me, watching him with a hard gaze. I was bluffing of course, intimidating my victim as he remained firm within my grasp. I had to pass that threshold, break him as his exterior crumbled slowly. My only problem being I was running out of time.

I remembered her sweet voice in my ear, a interruption I was grateful for. My men could take over. I had other things to do. I got up, "I gave you a choice Lance, now you have no choice. Pucker up, for your sake I hope you confess it'll save your family," I stared for a longing second as his eye clenched shut, he was sweating buckets. His jaw trembled in fear. He was older than me and out of shape to, I didn't intend to keep this going on for long. It would only get boring. Saving my pity for someone else, I turn away.

"Get this bastard to spill everything and record it. I want to see it later," I tell my men, no hesitation in my command.

"The file, boss." I take it in my hand, getting up to leave as my men take over. I hear the screams that raise a sinister smirk on my face. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

I stared at the hand written words.

Liana Jones

It wasn't difficult to get hold of her information. Her little outburst on the phone made me curious about her life than I already knew. Pity her parents died, they gave birth to such a beautiful girl. I opened her file to see her current passport picture. See had no life in her eyes, a straight face almost dull but still enticing. I skimmed over, looking at her previous passport pictures. They were different to the current one, she had a slight smile on her face as she stared at the camera lenses and there was that sparkle in her eyes. As I flickered through each page the timeline went backwards until I reached the last page. Information about her birth, and how lucky she had been to survive. 

Her parents should have cherished her with the miracle of life she had been given. She should have cherished it, instead of giving up easily. It angered me how easily she grabbed my gun to end her miserable life, she didn't appreciate it. She didn't fight it, which was disappointing. I stared at the big baby green eyes, she was indeed a chubby baby and that brought a warm feeling in my chest.

I shut the file forcefully, grabbing my car keys. I had decided I was going to get this girl and keep her. She would fulfil every fantasy I had imagined for the past hours, she would fall into my envious trap and she would fall willingly. All it would take is a little bit of time, trust and acting.

I was patient, and I made it a habit to get what I wanted. Now I wanted her.

"Get me information from all her social media accounts," I threw the file back at the man. He held the file to his chest nodding before walking away.

"Wait for me Li, I'm coming for you," I thought as I unlocked my car that stood proudly in the car park. 

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I love Lana, she's so creative! How cool is this?! Honestly she deserves more hype.

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