Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 

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Chapter 20 

After devouring the sandwich like a hungry beast, I was offered to change into some presentable clothes. I accepted with gratitude as Alexis reminds me that I would soon pay him back by working for him. It made me feel better knowing I wasn't another charity case. 

I was so lucky! 

He introduced my to some of his co-workers and soon it was night. "Do you have a place to stay?" He asked, putting on his jacket getting ready to go home. 

"Yeh," I lied. 

"I'll drop you off," He grabbed his car keys from his desk. I panicked, "No! It's not far from here," 

He looked at me with suspicion, shaking his head, "It's raining outside. I'm dropping you off!" 

I nodded, I guess I'm going to have to tell him my home address. The car journey was quiet the radio played in low volume as the heat blasted from the car. I stared outside watching the other cars pass away. I didn't belong in this expensive black mercedes, I was amazed at the intricate detail put in this car. There was thread hand stitched into the car just for its design. A monstrous growl escaped the engine as Alexis drove feeling on top of the world. This car was a powerful machinery. 

Arriving outside my parents house I could tell Alexis gaze over the building judging it. 

"Right well, this is it!" I called grabbing his attention. "Again thank you for the job and this car ride," 

He smirked, "My pleasure,"   

Looking over the building brought back my haunting memories. I didn't want return back. I couldn't find it in me to smile back, so I just forced myself hoping it was a believable attempt.  

I got out shutting the door gently, I walked around the car. I waved hoping he would drive off, he waved back watching me in the car. I helplessly laughed turning around to replace the laugh with a scowl. 

I could still hear the car behind me, I didn't even have the keys. I walked over to the pouch, there were boxes with household objects inside. My Uncle must have cleared the house out, I concluded.  

Sadly I reached for the door handle, it would be a miracle if it was open. I wanted to lean my head against the door and cry. When it didn't budge I knocked, ringing the bell. Maybe someone was inside. When no one answered, my head fell forward with my hair curtaining my face in sorrow. I felt defeated unable to conquer one problem after another. 

I felt footsteps behind me, I already knew who it was. A gentle hand rested on my shoulder, as a tear fell from my eye. I didn't react, as slowly the hand guided me to turn. I landed in his chest with sobs that I couldn't control. I could only hold it in for so long. Any more and I would have turned into a statue. 

"Everything's okay," He cooed, his hand running through my hair. He held my face in his hands looking me straight in the eyes, "Why didn't you tell me?" 

I covered my face with my hair, feeling unguarded and embarrassed. Rely on me to cry in front of my boss. I just couldn't meet his eyes. 

"Come with me," He whispered. 

He grabbed my hand, guiding me back to the car. Opening the door for me he encouraged me to sit. I wiped my stupid arse tears with the back of my hand. He drove off faster than before, I could sense the eagerness in him. 

I was scared, flashes of Zackary played in my mind. Would he take me home just to destroy the little self esteem I had left in me? 

We arrived, his place was huge. Like none other. I sniffed, not liking this. He reminded me of Zackary, he was rich as well. 

Alexis got out of the car as I stayed put. Confused he walked over to my door, he knocked on the window. Opening the door, he said, " Come out, we've arrived!" 

"Li, I don't live on my own. I have a family in there!" he pointed to the house sensing my uncertainty. "No need to be scared," 

I gulped, "Your married?" 

He laughed, "No! My parents, grandparents, my uncle and aunts, my cousins, my siblings, and my nieces and nephews live here," He said with in one breath.  

I was amazed, astonished, "Welcome to the Montigue Manor," He gestured to the extravagant mansion. 

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Man, this song hit hards. AIN'T NO SUNSHINE WHEN SHE'S GOOONNNEE! *Sings like RM*

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